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Ace was brushing his teeth when he heard his phone start to ring from in his room.

He made his way out the bathroom door and to where his phone was on the nightstand. The phone ringing didn't once wake a sleeping Khia who was spiraled out on the bed.

"Yo." Ace said, his tooth brush at the side of his mouth as he spoke into the phone while walking back to the bathroom.

"Where Khia at? Niggas was gon cook her breakfast I hope you ain't put her out."

Trell's voice spoke to Ace from the other line, sounding like he had been up for hours when it was only 9 am.

"I hope you don't mean Kai and Mir them niggas not cooking shit in my kitchen."

Trell laughed, knowing he was the only one who could really cook out the group.

"She at the crib though. Y'all can slide through she gah eat."

Ace was currently turning Khia's pills around, reading the label that said she should take one as soon as she wakes up along with her first meal.

"Nigga we know she gotta eat. You probably just reading the label of the pills."

Ace rolled his eyes, taking the phone from his ear and pressing end to the call.

He finished brushing his teeth and went to his closet to put on a tank top.

When he got out the shower last night, Khia and Princess were snuggled up to one of his pillows dead sleep.

Eventually Khia spread out through the night to the point her head was just under his ribs and her legs were hanging off the bed. Princess on the other hand was resting peacefully at the side of her mother's head.

The two of them being there never bothered him once. Ace was a light sleeper but he didn't wake up once last night. Not even with Khia's constant moving.

Not long after the phone call Ace heard a loud knock at the door, he knew it was Trell and them so he made his way downstairs and let them inside.

"Where she at?" Mir questioned first, he could tell by the quietness in the house that she wasn't downstairs.

"Up there knocked out."

"You knocked her out?" Kai asked, raising a brow. All of them thought Ace had a thing for Khia.

"Fuck no." Ace said, rolling his eyes as he stalked off to the kitchen.

The rest of the guys looked at one another knowingly but didn't say nothing else.

In the kitchen all of them started making breakfast. The main person they were making breakfast for being Khia.

When they were almost done, the sound of kitten toes coming into the kitchen was heard. Ace turned his head towards the kitchen entrance and saw the kitten there stretching her body in front of the boys.

"Lil freak." Kai said to Princess, leaning down and nudging the slightly injured cat with his finger.

Once the cat was done her stretching she actually took in her presence and moved away from Kai to the person she came down here for.

Princess went to Ace, scratching and meowing as she clawed at him.

"What what?" He said, slighting trying to get her off but not enough to hurt her.

"Go check on Khia." Mir said, nudging his head. Ace leaned down and picked Princess up, making his way out the kitchen and upstairs.

"Mhmmm.." Khia mumbled softly as she rolled over. Princesses tail slapping her nose over and over again until she'd woken up.

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