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"I don't know why you would just leave my phone in the back in the first place..."

Ace got down into the car, slamming the door shut.

"Khia don't piss me off. Here." He dropped her ringing phone down onto her lap next to princess.

"Who the fuck even calling you at 5 in the morning."

Khia and Ace were just pulling out the hospitals parking lot. As soon as the doctors told Khia she could leave this morning she wanted Ace to get her out of there. She hated hospitals.

"Man people love me." Khia shrugged with a smirk. She knew Ace wasn't asking no type of way anyway. She wasn't thinking like that anymore.

"Hello Tek." Khia said with the phone to her ear, leaning her head on the passenger window as she spoke on the phone.

Ace raised his brow, seeing her from the side of his eye while driving but he didn't say anything.

"Where you at? How I'm at work and you ain't here."

Khia chucked under her breath, she never usually missed work since she did love her job. When Tek was there he always expected Khia to be there and it honestly made work better with her there.

"I'm with a friend. Had to be picked up from the hospital and shit." Khia dragged her hand across her face. She truly didn't think being at the hospital was something serious. But her doctor made it clear to her that what happened to her was very much serious.

"Damn you good? Need me cover some shifts for you?"

Khia did a lot for Tek but she knew no doubt he would have her back if she needed it.

"Nah I'm good my friend is like banning me from going to work for the rest or the week."

"That sounds like a good thing Khia." Tek said, laughing at how mad Khia sounded.

"Niggas man." Khia rolled her eyes and waved her hand in the air.

"I'll see you next week though. As for now we shall get high and live life."

Khia ended the call, her friend laughing on the other line at how careless she could be.

Ace didn't find it funny at all. He could tell Khia would eventually break or she would hurt herself. The thought of that happening, he knew nobody would be prepared for it...not even himself.

"Ion know why you saying you getting high Khia. The doctor said you can't smoke for at least a week while taking your medicine."

Khia side eyed Ace.

"I knew you wanted me dead."

Ace shook his head, a grin on his face as he licked his lips.

"This is the only way it'll work without actually killing you."

Khia fake gasped at his words, holding her chest as she looked over at him.

The playful gaze in her eyes fell as she looked at him. Her hand slightly shaking on where it was, the same place it was when she felt like she was fighting for her life only a day ago.

Ace could see the change in her eyes. He slowed at a red light, watching Khia and treading lightly as he spoke to her.

"Khia you straight?"

Khia licked her lips, nodding slightly as she shook it off. She knew she was remembering what all went down. This wasn't her first rodeo.

"Yea I'm straight, I'm straight."

Khia sat back in her seat, her body easily getting comfortable in Ace's spaces.

"Mir and them want you slide ."

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