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Khia immediately lifted up from the mattress. Her head moving side to side in a slight daze. Khia yawned softly, running a palm down her face.

She just finished the five ounces she got two weeks ago last night. Right now was currently one of her mornings where the other people in her home acted like she existed.

"They must need something.." Khia mumbled under her breath as she got up and slipped into her pink and black hello kitty slippers.

A yawn fell from her lips as she made her way out of her bedroom. Her hair was tucked safely away in her bonnet and her body was covered in a huge over sized shirt that said "nope" and a pair of hello kitty shorts.

"Yes mommy.." Khia says, her arms going down to her sides as she stood at the entrance of the family's kitchen. Her mother, father and younger brother all already up on this early Wednesday morning.

"Do you not know what time it is?" Her mother flicked her wrist while looking at the time, showing her small but classy Rolex watch on her wrist.

"Uhmm no not really." Khia shrugged softly, leaning over to her mama to see but the woman pulled back from her daughter as if she would poison her or something. Khia's brows furrowed in, confused why her mother did that while her mother just brushed her off like it was nothing.

"It's 8. You're going to take your brother to school for me."

Khia nodded, ready to go upstairs and change into something more presentable but of course her father had his own input while he answered emails at the counter and drank his coffee.

"Take him now Khiane. You look capable of getting behind a wheel right now to me. At least I hope so." The strict man didn't look up from his lap too to say anything further to his daughter.

"Okay daddy." Khia says respectfully, making her way to the garage where her car was. Her brother didn't take long to get in the passenger seat while she started the car.

"What's wrong with your car?" Khia questioned her broker Niko. He was a sophomore in high school and could drive himself.

"Dad took it to get some new tires."

Khia sucked her teeth. "Nigga ain't never went and took my car to get new tires."

"Bet you won't say it to his face."

Both Khia and her brother laughed, Khia shaking her head at her brother.

"Man your ass got money you can still take an Uber." Khia started to fake pull over

"Chillllll" her brother said with a laugh

"Yea yea." She said, continuing to drive her brother to school that was only about fifteen minutes away.

Niko connected his phone to the car Bluetooth,
Playing some song Khia didn't  know but she thought that shit was hittin

"Who this is?"

"That's pooh, he the hottest in our city. How Youn know him?"

"You just said the reason ion know him. He the hottest in OUR city. Not the hottest out." Khia shrugged, brushing this new rapper off like he was nothing but she couldn't lie and say his music wasn't hard.

"Add his stuff to my phone though" Khia handed her brother her phone with it unlocked.

After that they drove listening to music, she even took him to Dunkin' to get some breakfast and a drink then dropped him off to school.

"Let's seee" Khia said, in her brother's school parking lot ready to put some of her own music on since he got out and disconnected.

She clicked on the boy pooh's page on Apple Music, going through his albums. She stopped when she saw Ace's fine self on one of the album covers.

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