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It is now October 2023, more than 16 years since the murders on Wawanakwa, making the teens 32... most of them anyway... some remain 16, robbed of the possibility of growing older.

Days after the boat left, they were left to wander the island, taking turns watching over Chris, ensuring he never had a moment of bliss. They struggled to make connections with each other again, given some were bound to where their bodies lie. Others were allowed to venture about, checking in on those who didn't have that luxury.

The funeral finally allowed their bodies to rest, as well as allowing them to see their loved ones once again. The sight of the living was truly heartbreaking, but if you could see the dead watching over, wanting their loved ones to know they were safe, that they were happy... It made the scene tougher on the heart strings.

Noah's body was not found in time though, leaving him stranded on the island's shores, alone. He could hear Chris' whines from the cafeteria, knowing he could do nothing to help or make things worse on him. He could just listen and think.

The killer was never located. He likely never will be. Many suspects have been convicted, but they've all been proven innocent. It's been a cold case since it occurred.

Chef didn't look back then, and he doesn't now. He found a better job as a military cook, forcing everyone to respect him. He never wants to feel as small as Chris had made him feel all those years ago. He knew his worth, and he knew that no matter how much Chris may have cared for him, he didn't show it. He hopes to retire soon, though he knows outside of the military campgrounds, he will be barraged with reporters, reaching out in hopes of a story out of him. He'll never give it up.

Sierra's vlog expectantly blew up after she was able to bring herself to post the video on the island, granting her and Alejandro their 15 minutes of fame. They were named the saviors of the island, what many call the angels who saved their children. While the 7 living campers took time to bring themselves to be able to talk about what had happened, Sierra and Alejandro were the main source of information in the beginning investigations. Despite only knowing so much, the case became compelling to the public. After it died down though, so did their fame, allowing them to find steady jobs whenever life had taken them.

Katie returned home with almost nothing. She had lost almost everything of hers in the fire, and all she could carry was what she wore and a note in her back pocket. Katie didn't leave the house for days, watching the news on loop. She mentally corrected every wrong assumption made about the situation, though she couldn't even find the strength to speak it out loud. Sadie's mom tried to speak with her, but Katie never found the courage to find the connection... not until years later when attending Sadie mother's funeral. The only thing she could do then was find DJ's mom and make sure she had the note. Those were his last words... words she memorized in her mind. She had wished she knew DJ thought so highly of her... after she delivered the note, she didn't talk with DJ's family again until after the 10 year anniversary reunion interview, which helped her find comfort in losing him. Katie tried to pursue fashion school, just like her and Sadie had dreamed, but she was stuck. She couldn't find the inspiration to even pick up a pencil, much less design physical art. After getting over the feeling of letting Sadie down, she pursued photography instead, working at a small camera shop for her main cash flow. It allows her to focus on the moment instead of her past... and it helps... for a little while...

Gwen seemed as if she'd be the hardest hit, huh? When she finally got home she went into total isolation, ignoring her mother and brother. Her father even tried to visit once or twice, but his words fell on deaf ears. It took months for her to realize how hypocritical she was being... begging for her life and then wasting it in her room? The moment she got out, she pretended nothing had happened. Her mom, concerned but thankful, welcomed her with open arms. The two grew closer and Gwen regained a connection with her brother. The two even started learning guitar together, but Gwen gave up after a few months over frustration. She was one of the first campers to come out about their story, allowing the others to follow. Her acceptance allowed her to find an interest in horror and dark fantasies again. She excelled in college and became a lawyer, dedicating her time on dark cases like her own, ensuring what happened to her will never be made easy for anyone else. Despite being the most vocal at the 10 year reunion interview, she hadn't made any effort to contact anyone who survived. Not Cody... not Duncan... not Katie. She doesn't plan on changing that either. By 2023, she was granted the right to truly express herself, and she's currently dating a girl... and for the first time, she's open about it. Gwen is living a life she had never dreamed, but she knows it's better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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