Your Songs Are Sappy

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Thankfully Katie remembered to grab some bandages and medicine for me when she found Owen and Geoff in the medical tent. I still wonder what the killer did to them, but like Leshawna said, it's probably best I don't know.

Once we got back to the cabins, Courtney quickly made me an ankle brace... sort of... and popped me some pills before running over to her bunk. At first I assumed she was growing a fear of the dark, but after Leshawna, Heather, and I talked it out, we realized it was because of Duncan. I'm sure the two argued all night, unless they snuck out.

It's so lonely now... I remember when the girls room was PACKED just a few days ago. Now Izzy and Bridgette are dead, and Courtney and Eva have changed rooms. Not to mention the only person I can really talk to is Leshawna. Heather is too full of herself and Katie is too far gone to establish any kind of connection. Nights are eerie too... it's awfully silent and the dark doesn't help. The only light that shows mercy on us is the moon, but when it's cloudy, we sometimes lose that too.

I'm so used to staying up late back at home it's weird having to force myself to sleep. I used to love midnights... I would click on a small light and write in my diary or read a novel. If I was feeling it, maybe I'd even do homework. Not to mention all the people I snuck into my house at that hour... okay it wasn't THAT many, but I've had a few girlfriends and boyfriends here and there.

Last night was one of those nights where I drifted in and out of sleep without really realizing it. When I woke up, everyone was getting ready for the morning, since we were actually planning on doing something, though I think we all know the killer will probably kill half of us before we're even close to getting off the island.

Katie must have been awake before anyone else because she was just staring out the window, already dressed and ready. Heather was pacing, brushing her hair, and Leshawna apparently left a few minutes ago to take a shower with Courtney. Soon, Heather grew tired of pacing, so she sat on her bunk.

"Oh my god, who keeps leaving these love notes here?" Heather groaned after accidentally sitting on one.

"I've been trying to figure them out myself." I smiled, sitting up from my bed and yawning, "At first I thought they were from Trent, but then I realized it couldn't be. Trent's a musician, not a writer." Heather opened it up and her eyes widened within seconds as Leshawna entered the cabin.

"Oh, is that my latest love letter?" She smiled before taking it from Heather.

"It's for you?" Heather raised an eyebrow judgingly.

"Well duh," she rolled her eyes, "DJ didn't call me LaBomba for nothing." She winked before making her bed.

"Gwen, have you ever read any of these?" Heather held a shocked expression as she raised an eyebrow, whispering to me from the bunk across.

"I read some of the early ones, but since Bridgette died I kinda lost interest." I shrugged, "We always read them together and-"

"What was in them before?"

"Mostly lovey gushy stuff. It was very kindergarten Shakespeare if that makes sense." Heather shook her head and laughed a bit.

"That is not what's in that one." She subtly gestured to Leshawna with her head, "Whoever wrote it wants to have se-"

"Are you guys ready or what?" Eva asked, opening the door to the cabin. Her arms were crossed as she took her signature power stance.

"Oh my god, really Gwen?" Courtney rolled her eyes, peeking inside from behind Eva, "Did you only just wake up?"


"You have five minutes!" She squinted her eyes, clearly annoyed. Eva held the door open for the other three to leave while I quickly got ready. By the time I got out though, most of the group already left. I felt my stomach drop when I realized Trent was the only one who stayed and waited for me.

"Where did everyone go?" I asked, walking down the steps of the porch. Trent looked up from his guitar and smiled.

"Well, you know how Courtney is." He shrugged, "She did mention you might want to bring an umbrella though, there's supposed to be a light rain."

"How does she even know... oh right... CIT." I rolled my eyes, "I don't have an umbrella."

"I have one but it's tiny... maybe we won't need it." He swung his guitar onto his back before handing me his umbrella, "After you my lady."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I waved my hand before stepping in front of him towards the woods. I smiled through my words though. He paused for a few moments before catching up to me.

"You're still limping, do I need to help you?" He offered his arm, giving me a look of genuine concern. My ankle has been feeling better, but it's still not great. Though, if I had to run or walk on my own I could.

"Sure." I smiled awkwardly. He wrapped my arm around his shoulders again, causing our bodies to become extremely close. I could hear his soft breathing in my ear... we didn't say much... I wanted to say a lot... I needed to say a lot. Just as I was about to open my mouth though, Trent stopped and pulled away.

"Wait, let me show you something." He smiled at me, whipping out his guitar. Was he seriously going to... "I wrote you this."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that!" I love Trent... well I don't love him love him... maybe I do? I don't know yet... but either way, I wouldn't let even my mother serenade me on my deathbed. To hide my thoughts, I started to pull out my umbrella, since it started to lightly trickle.

"Gwen, I need to be genuine with you, and this is the only way I know how." I smiled awkwardly as he started to pluck a few chords, "It's still a work in progress, but I feel like we won't have another time together." His excitement grew as he started playing the song. The notes were extremely intricate with a few taps in between each strum. It was actually very original, and I'd never heard anyone play a guitar like he was. "I don't actually have the lyrics finished yet but..." he played the intricate notes again, "These remind me of you."

"And the classic strums...?"

"Me, of course." He strummed before going back to his intricate, strum, tap combo, "Guitar moves you wouldn't think go together actually work perfectly. Now imagine you doing the same thing on the bass, then we'd really have a different sound." He was starting to geek out a bit, which made me giggle... I mean smirk. I would never giggle. Anyways...

"Your songs are sappy, Trent." I laughed as he put his guitar back on his back, "But it's cute. Thank you." I swung the umbrella behind my shoulder, earning extra attention from the boy in front of me.

"Gwen, I-"

"I know." He stared at me longingly, causing me to grow uncomfortable, "In any other situation, I would. But not now, Trent." He nodded slowly before taking me in a hug. He rubbed my back like a mother with a crying baby.

After we finally broke apart, we continued our trek through the forest. We didn't say much besides normal small talk. He didn't help me walk though, resulting in a slower pace. He seemed awfully interested in my love life beforehand, but once I picked up on it I told him to leave it alone.

Jesus, Trent truly is the sweetest boy I've ever met. I really hope we can both make it off the island... I know we're young and probably don't know any better, but I can see the two of us having a good life together. I'm sure if the killer wasn't here, we would have had a stable relationship while on the show.

"Look out for that stump." He subtly pointed.

"What stu-" I was interrupted by his cries of pain. I froze in my tracks as I looked down to see his leg caught in a bear trap, "Oh my god?!"

"Jesus, Gwen, help me!" He stared up at me as he weakly tried to pull it off his foot from the forest floor. His movements were reckless and fear driven, like a wild animal being picked up by a human. I quickly kneed down to help him, letting go of the umbrella and trying my best to open the metal teeth of the trap. It was finally starting to budge when I heard a crunch of leaves from nearby. "Gwen? Gwen!"

I don't know what happened. One minute I was helping Trent, the next I was running.

Oh my god, I just left Trent to die.

I couldn't stop moving. I couldn't loop around. Even as I approached the cabins, I couldn't slow down. And it was raining...

What the hell did I do?

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