17 Remain

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It's good to know that Katie's finally starting to cheer up, I guess? Cheer up probably isn't the right word, but she's at least become numb to it? She isn't hysterically crying and fighting with DJ, who is truly sweet for doing that for her. Despite her mental recovery, she still prefers to stay inside, and she probably will for a while.

I think most of us will.

We are on day 15 of being on this stupid island. I know I reviewed the contract three separate times, but I'm starting to wonder if I should have read it a fourth and fifth... though I doubt it said anything about the possibility of a serial killer leaving us stranded here.

I mean, we're minors? This is child endangerment! Maybe even kidnapping. If the cameras truly are still connected to Chris' network, then this has to be even more illegal. He's willingly filming children getting murdered. Once I get back, my lawyer is going to hear a whole earful. I wouldn't be surprised if she's preparing for court right now... uh, if she knows.

I still don't think anyone knows...

Whatever! Chris has to be coming back soon. I know I keep telling everyone the worst case scenario, but that's because I was a CIT. It's my job to keep everyone safe. You don't see surfer girl or guitar man taking charge. It's just me... and occasionally Duncan I guess. But he's only doing that to get my attention.

Ever since we got here he's been following me around like a puppy. He needs to get a life! What part of not interested does he not understand? Not that he's asked me out or anything, but, you know.

Speaking of puppy's, Cody has been OBSESSING over Gwen. I don't really understand why all these boys are falling for her... she's pretty I guess, but she's so... paste-y? I don't know.

Bridgette and Geoff have been going missing on and off too... At first it concerned all of us, but then we realized they just needed some alone time. As much as I love Bridgette, it's totally immature. We're all fighting for our lives here, constantly alert of every noise and movement. Then there's them, carelessly "getting it on" (as Harold put it, resulting in both vocal and physical assault from Duncan) like there's no tomorrow.

Actually, when you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense... but you know what I mean.

"Have you seen Bridgette anywhere?" Gwen asked me. I shook my head, causing her to furrow her eyebrows, "She promised to go with me to the outhouse."

"Do you need me to go with you?"

"Could you? I know it's dark out, so if I need to ask someone else I could-"

"I was a CIT, Gwen." I smirked before stepping onto the grass, "Plus, it's not too far... I don't mind waiting outside for you."

"Right..." she paused before leading with her head towards the bathroom and walking that direction, "Seriously Courtney, thank you."

"Mhm." I smiled with my mouth closed. I didn't realize I'd get this tense, but with each step away from the cabins, my fists tightened more and more. If that killer even stepped a mile in my direction, I'd punch it's face off. I'm not nervous though.

Once we got to the communal washrooms, I leaned myself against the wall and stared straight out. I tapped my arm against my leg... just for entertainment purposes of course.

I'm not scared.

Then I heard a tree branch snap.

"Hello?" I turned towards the sound, "Is someone there?" Another tree branch snapped, and it sounded like it came from behind me. I slowly turned around, but was relieved to see no one there.

Then something touched my shoulder... without thinking I snapped around and punched them in the face, a yell escaping my mouth.

"Courtney? Are you okay?!" I heard Gwen from inside the washroom.

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