First Impressions

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By the time I finally arrived on the Island, most of the cast already arrived... there's a lot more chicks then I had originally thought there would be. I mean, come on now, they're chicks, dude!

"Ezekiel, what's up man?" Chris smiled like he does on every magazine cover he's ever been on. I stepped off the boat and glanced up.

"I think I see a bird." My face wrinkled as I tried to make out anything except the piercing sun and blue sky. I looked back at Chris who was now giving me a concerned expression.

He goes on to tell me to try not to get kicked off the show too early, but he's crazy! He's clearly underestimating my abilities. I may have been home schooled, but that doesn't change the fact I'm skilled.

There were still a handful of campers to follow me though, most notably a loud black woman, a couple of psychos who clearly want us dead, a whale of a guy, and some handsome dude that everyone was thirsting over. Justin, I think his name was. 

After everyone had settled into their cabins and ate their first meals, we were off to bed for the night.

The next day, we were given our first challenge; diving off of a 1,000 foot high cliff into shark infested waters... How hard could it be?

On the way up though, I got a chance to really explore the woods around me. Most of the campers stayed in a group with Chris, but others stayed around, exploring the area around the group. I was walking slightly faster than the group and it wasn't long before I was ahead of them.

Whatever, I don't usually mind. I like exploring the woods in my downtime anyway, it brings me peace. But these woods were different. The trees were thicker, the sounds amplified... I could have sworn I heard breathing... While a typical male wouldn't be scared in a situation such as this, since I was ahead of the group, I assumed it would be best to look behind me to make sure there wasn't someone who shouldn't be here lurking around.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard a branch break. A cloud covered the sun as it grew dark. I could still see, but when you're surrounded by nothing but trees, it's hard to know where to look. My breathing quickened. I couldn't move.

"HEY-A HOME-SCHOOL!" I jumped after a ginger girl screamed in my ear behind me. I think her name was Izzy?

"What the hell, dude?! I uh... mean mam." I smiled as my jitters started to fade.

"The rest of the group turned left, I thought you'd wanna know!" She smiled a big toothy grin. I adjusted my swimming bottoms as I nodded and turned left. She ran ahead of me through the woods, leaving me alone again.

She's a character...

Despite the woods continuing to give me weirdo vibes, I pressed on. It didn't take long to climb the mountain, thankfully.

Chris swiftly explained the rules and we got to jumping. I, of course, managed to land in the safe circle the first try... yes I hit a rock on the way down, but big whoop!

In the end, there were three campers who Chris deemed as "chickens". Little Miss CIT, DJ, and some nerdy girl with braces. They had to walk all the way back down, which at that point, it's just easier to jump, you know?

Because my team, the Killer Bass, had an extra chicken, we had a disadvantage in the next challenge... We had to build a hot tub using materials in crates we had to bring from the beach to the camp grounds. Problem was, we had to do it by hand, and the other team got a wagon to put their crates in.

I don't know how Chris expects us to win?! Especially since Katie and Sadie had to stop midway to pee, and then grew a rash after realizing it was poison Ivy... I mean, how stupid can girls be?

In the end, big surprise, we lost the challenge. Because it was the first day, Chris would let us have the night to ourselves before having the campfire ceremony tomorrow.

That night at dinner though, we were all eating slop when the topic of who to vote off came up. At first I didn't really care for the conversation. It was clear I didn't do anything wrong. Eventually though, I decided I had to step in as the tension escalated.

"Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh," I stuck my spoon in my food as I gathered another bite. While it doesn't taste great, it's better than anything my brothers back on the farm made me eat, "there are the ones that have six girls." I take a bite as the group stares at me, mixed expressions from them all.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Surfer chick asks me.

"Yeah Home-school," Eva, one of the psychos I pointed out earlier towered over me, though she didn't intimidate me too much, "enlighten us."

"Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are." The group continues to gawk at me like it isn't common knowledge. "My dad told me to keep a lookout for the girls here, eh, and help them in case they can't keep up." I smiled, knowing my dad would be proud. That was, until Eva put me in a choke hold.

"Still need help keeping up?"

"Uh, not really." She finally lets go, and I rub my throat in confusion. Jesus, dad didn't tell me they were that strong! Maybe it has something to do with that emotion issue he told me about... he says that's why a woman should never be in charge, you know! Women let their emotions hang on their sleeves, and let it control their decision making! I can only imagine what that would mean for the other team.

"Okay guys, let's give him a break," Geoff stood up and patted my back as I started to eat another spoonful of goop, "I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls!"

"But they are-" my mouth was full as everyone on my team started shouting at me. My eyes widened as I swallowed my food and left. Clearly they didn't want me there! If I get voted out for that, it just proves my dad right... I think?

I don't know anymore. He was always a strange man. It was hard living up to the expectations my older brothers set for me. They were strong dudes, who got their chores and work done fast. They had enough time for girlfriends and parties. One of them is married already!

I, on the other hand, don't have that kinda time. My father makes us finish school work, then we do our farming chores, and then he says whatever time we have left we can do whatever we want. I breezed through the school work, but I was always given the tasks of gathering the fruits and berries. That takes forever, man!

Because of that, I never met a real chick, besides my mom of course. I only know what I've learned from my family. Why would they lie about that kind of thing...

I figured now would be a good time to catch up at the confessional, so I thought about how I could make it up to the ladies as I made my way over. We had been shown where it was after we arrived, and it thankfully wasn't more than a mile from the cafeteria.

As I opened the door, I was shocked to see someone inside of it already.

"Oh, sorry, eh." I apologized, before starting to close the door... but it was strange... I had never seen that face before... I mean, maybe they're an intern? I turned back to make my way back to the cabins, but it wasn't long before I felt a hand slide over my mouth.

My eyes widened and I grew still.

It pulled me in.

I tried to scream for help.

I guess no one heard me.

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