We Found Him

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The boys from my team have been acting strange...

This morning, DJ ran out of his cabin, around 4:30, screaming his head off. Geoff and Tyler could be heard screaming from inside as well. While at first I thought it was just some stupid prank played by Duncan (I mean, look at him), the situation never died down. Harold was eventually sent out to get a trash bag, and after he returned, Geoff, DJ, and Duncan started making their way over to Chris' trailer.

The only reason I know all this was because DJ's girlish screams woke a few of the girls up. They're thin walls, you know. Courtney, Bridgette, and I were watching the events unfold, so it wasn't long before Katie and Sadie woke up as well. We all joked about theories, going from stupid stuff like a crusty underwear, to the more gruesome... a bucket of human fingers.

Since we had the day off until the voting ceremony later, the Killer Bass ladies decided to have a beach day of bonding. When we all arrived at the dock, it was clear everyone else had brought their cutest swimsuit... I hadn't. I wasn't planning on swimming anyway. I prefer to work out in the sun. It provides a nice tan and increases the intensity.

"I'm surprised the boys haven't returned yet." Bridgette said, sitting on her surfboard. The water was calm, with an exception of Sadie and Katie splashing and giggling.

"I'm sure they're fine." Courtney rolled her eyes, "If they told Chris, it's probably already taken care of."

"Speaking of boys..." Katie giggled, "Does anyone have any first impression crushes?!" Sadie gasped and splashed Katie again.

"Ew, why would I?" Courtney crossed her arms as she continued to test the waters. She clearly likes to take that kind of thing slow. Easing into the ocean, instead of ripping the band aid off and jumping right in. "All the guys here are so immature."

"I haven't really gotten to know any of them yet..." Bridgette tapped her chin.

"Aw, come on guys!" Sadie groaned, "If you were forced to marry any guy here for a million dollars, who would you marry?"

"I'd rather make the money myself." Courtney slowly bent her knees into the water as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I suppose... Justin?" Bridgette shrugged. It was clearly a quick thinking answer... not one she cares much for.

"Hey, that's my man!" Sadie giggled.

"Uh no, he's mine!" Katie splashed her friend. They have a weird relationship. Bridgette giggled at the two before turning to me.

"What about you, Eva?"


"Do you like any of the boys here?"

"Nah," I shrugged, throwing my weights on the dock, "not really my thing. I'm here for the game, not the relationships."

"At least someone gets it..." Courtney shot me a smile, earning a quick splash from Bridgette.


"Oh, you're so gonna get it!" Courtney lounged at Bridgette in a playful manner, sending the two of them into the water. Katie and Sadie were having their own fun, fighting over Justin, though I don't believe either of them ever spoke with him...

While I was smiling at the scene, I caught a glimpse of Chef and Chris carrying a handful of bags with interns following behind them with even more. They ran onto the Dock of Shame and boarded what was intended to be tonight's Boat of Losers. They quickly scampered on before Chef started the boat.

"Hey, where are they going?" I asked, causing the girls to look over at the other dock as well. Chef started to pull out, giving me an unsettling feeling. I don't know why, but I felt inclined to follow them. I dove into the water and started swimming towards the boat, but they were going at full speed, "Where are you going?!" I yelled towards them, earning me a look from Chris. He turned his back before fading into the distance.

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