A Letter to Mama

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To my Mama,

Hey Mama, it's DJ! I know you probably haven't heard from me in a while... I don't know how much you know yet, but I want you to know that despite being scared for my life, these last few days have allowed me to get to know a lot of cool people. Of course there's my teammate Owen, who loves any food I touch... not always sure if it's because it's actually good or not, but he always says so! Tyler does too, but my man of the hour is Geoff. He's so optimistic in times of sorrow, he's likely the only reason I lived as long as I have. I've also found a new pet bunny! He's the cutest little rabbit.

I've been spending a lot of time helping others get past their closest losses, just like you said, Mama! I'm glad you did, because I met the sweetest girl. Her name is Katie, and she lost her best friend early in our stay here. Since she had no one else to talk to, I've been trying to help her cope. She loved her almost as much as I love you. Speaking of, whenever I look into her eyes, I'm reminded of you. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met, Mama. I just wish we could have met under different circumstances. God works in mysterious ways.

Mama, if I don't make it off the island, I've instructed Geoff and Duncan to give you this letter. I've hidden it under my bunk, and I'm hoping it gets to you. It's been over two weeks now, and I don't think Chris is coming back anytime soon. I can only imagine what's going through his head, so if I die, please don't go hard on him.

Hopefully you won't ever have to read this, but Mama, I love you. I know I say it a lot, but I realize now it was never enough. You've done so much for me, I wish I could have lived longer to make sure I could fully pay you back and make you realize how much I appreciate you. Tell my brothers I love them too... but they can't have any of my baseball cards. I insist you sell them to help pay for my funeral.

Love you Mama,

Devon Joseph 

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