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"With eyes that pierce the veils of fate,
She'll confront a choice, her love to consummate.
For in her heart, a love shall deeply dwell,
A choice to make, the tale shall foretell."

In the aftermath of the ominous return of Lord Voldemort, 15-year-old Alexia Jackson grapples with mastering her Ancient Magic, Alexia unravels a tale of magic, mystery, and the delicate dance between darkness and light. As shadows lengthen over the wizarding world in the wake of Voldemort's return, Alexia must navigate uncharted territories of power and emotion, forging bonds that defy the encroaching darkness.


Few things before we begin...

1. Just like in the original story, everything gets darker.

2. This book will contain a new level of action, compared to the other two books.

3. Are y'all down for some smut? Like, do you want it in this story? Is totally okay if you don't, just asking what the audience wants lmao.

4. Some heavy gay shit happening, enjoy.


shadows (h.g x fem oc) book 3Where stories live. Discover now