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First and foremost I want to say R.I.P grammar. Grammar has been a constant friend of mine while writing this book and with every few words he always wanted to die. Thank you for being such a good joke.

I don't know how you do it Abi but you somehow revive him when you edit. I am very grateful I had you to suffer the torture of editing my first draft. Thank you for your grate sacrifice. I wish you could have done the other three rounds of edits because a part of me died while correcting my typo's. Thank you for poking fun at my spelling. It honestly helped me suffer through editing with a smile.

I'm also grateful for Amina. I'm glad you waited for me to finish some editing before reading my book. Thank you for not confirming my comments on how much I felt my book sucks. The amount of times you make me smile, it's more than all the letters in this book combined.

Now to acknowledge everything else that helped me in this journey.

To my water-bottle. You always run dry way to quickly but then I remember that's a good thing because I drank to much already.

To the tea cabinet. I really am glad you were stuffed full of teabags and I'm sorry I left only three black teabags once I was done.

To the milk. You complete me by always being there for me when I make milk-tea.

To my family who always made sure I go to sleep before eleven. I'm an old grandma at this point because of you and I get tired by the time it's nine thirty and want sleep.

And lastly, to Nova my dog. You are cute, thank you for the daily dose of serotonin you give me just by existing.

My chair. You are comfortable but you don't have arm rests so you don't count.

I almost forgot since it's ten already and I want sleep, but to you my reader; thank you for picking up this book. I would say it's my charm that brought you in to reading it all but I'm pretty sure it was most likely the cover. I hope you enjoined my writing and get ready for the next book! I hope you love the adventure and characters just as much as I wanted to strangle them at certain parts of the book.

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