packing and stressing

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Lacey pov....................

Zane, where are you. I called out to my mate.

Up here in your room baby, he yelled back.

I walked up the stairs and walked into my ex bedroom.

He was laying on his back with his arm over his eyes. He didnt look up as i walked in.

Baby, you o.k. i asked him. He just nod his head yes. I know theres something wrong with him.

I walked over to the edge and straddled his lap. I kissed up his chest and then his neck.

Zane, i know something is bothering you, so spill.

He moved his arm from his eyes, he looked at me and then he stared at a spot behind me, like he was thinking what to say.

He eyes returned to mines, he saw the worry in them, and he sighed.

He sat up and pulled me to his lap, not straddling.

Paige, i was in a relationship with this girl ......she was so good to me at first.

But then when she learned that i was the warrior lead of the pack, she started asking me for money, witch w we have more then we can handle.

At first it was hundred dollrs here and there....then the numbers got bigger and then the time space got shorter and shorter.

Everyone noticed but me. I was basicly whipped...and we didnt even have sex.

When i noticed what she was doing, i really was messed up,,she tried to apoligize saying she loved me and she wanted to be my mate.

I almost agreed until, a man walked up to us and told me, he was her mate, and he was the one she was sending the money too.

I was devistated. I vowed that i would never fall in love with anyone...i even gave up on finding my mate. He looked at me with sorrow.

So, when i met paige, a spark struck............i know this is awkard for you. I like paige, i still do.

I pinge of pain struck me, when he said those words, paige is my best friend.

So whats the problem,

Well i would like to take the time and say i really am sorry. I almost made a mistake.

My heart opened for you and i am yours....i never thought i would find you, i love you so much lacey.

I was so misty eyed from his confession.

Oh zane, i love you too baby.

We continued onto the house and finished her packing as we talked...we then did the same to paige house. Then we were on our way back to miami, in our beautiful town in miami.

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