Knee socks

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A/N: Merry Christmas 🎄! happy holidays. This is the last chapter I am posting this year. Idk if I'm going to post in 2024, I hope so because some of you were so sweet to me❤️. Anyway, requests are open per usual and I hope you send them (especially smut cause I LOVE writing them)

You didn't want anything serious. You were over relationships and then, Alex showed up. This is supposed to be the story behind the song.
Warnings: none. It's Fluff.

As you previously expected, you wouldn't bring anyone to Christmas parties. You weren't gonna spend New Year's Eve with a loved one. You were now over the idea of love. You were over all that romantic bullshit. In last year's December, you decided to just fool around and see where life could get you. You created a new persona, someone who liked to have encounters with lots of people and didn't get too excited about the idea of having a serious relationship with anyone. Obviously, all that effort to show that you didn't care, showed that you cared, but that is therapy talk.

Dating apps became part of your routine, meetups with some good people but a lot of stupid ones. You brought partners to your house but still felt empty and alone. Sure, the sex (sometimes) was great, but something was lacking: maybe the connection, maybe the attraction, or maybe something you didn't want to admit for yourself: love. Yes, it was fun to be single and sleep with a lot of people, this is the 21st Century, you thought. You are free to do anything. But after so many months you were tired. Now, you spent a whole year being a hopeless romantic, but something stung on the bottom of your heart. You missed having someone by your side.
Sometimes, you were sure that there was a ghost in your room judging you every time you brought someone over to your bed." Or maybe this is just me being insecure" You thought.

That feeling lasted until him.

You were introduced to Alex at a party and at first, you didn't notice him due to your drunkenness, but he got your number thanks to your friend. One day, he called you and invited you to a cafe. The only thing you remembered was a picture of him that your friend had shown and he was very attractive, so you went there and clicked with him right away.

Your attraction to each other suddenly became a real thing; resulting in lots of hooking ups. He started it all. He was the one who called you and you answered asking who he was and pretended you remembered him and he was the one who didn't leave your mind.
You didn't want to be involved with someone casually while you had to see their face every weekend. So you started to hang out, you always let it clear that you weren't looking for something serious and he said that he wanted the same.

Well, things started to change. At first, you spend just a few hours together. The sex was amazing and the aftercare too. Then, he spent the night one time and you could talk for so long. Something in you started to change. It was his fault, of course. He insisted on being not only irresistible but intelligent and caring. He said that he was a relationship type of guy and you cut him, saying that you weren't, at least not anymore. You didn't trust him entirely: he was famous, always traveling and working and you were just a regular person, so it felt like it would never work out. He said that he wanted to be casual and you accepted.

The thing is, Alex made it difficult for you. You wanted to be mysterious, to not open your heart too much, to not talk too much about your feelings. You wanted to do the regular old casual, but how to be casual with someone so special?
Even when you just finished having the roughest sex or when you said the dirtiest words in bed, Alex would look at you with so much interest in his eyes. He perceived you. He noticed you. That made everything hard for you, the people you were getting involved with saw the superficial part of yourself: they touched your bones, your meat, your face. They looked into your eyes but only at their reflections. Alex stared at you deeply, he saw through your soul. He touched your heart and he appreciated you. How could you not get your feelings involved?
Everything became harder when he drunkenly said "I love you.'' at your apartment.

'Dont, Alex.'' You answered him, lying on your side on the bed.

"Can I just tell you the truth?" He asked.

"Just please, don't." You said while putting your fingertips on his eyelids, closing it slowly, hoping that he could sleep in peace and not bring that up anymore. You just wanted to protect yourself.

Days passed by, and you went to Matt's birthday party and saw something you didn't like. While having a conversation, Matt and everyone else started to talk about someone who was a perfect match for Alex. How she was his type, physically and intellectually, how they would get along pretty well and he would finally manage to get out of his loneliness.

Alex wasn't lonely. He had you. But at the same time, he didn't.

You listened to the whole conversation trying to give your best "not caring" face. You got home and tried to act normal, but when you found yourself looking into the mirror, trying to remember you were really there and you were actually catching feelings, everything sank in. You didn't want to be casual with him, you wanted to be his and you wanted him to be yours.

But how to act now when you made your point of wanting to be casual so clear? He tried to get closer to you and you kept trying to push him away. He was probably over you, anyway.
So you decided to do the right thing: crying until it all would go away.

But it didn't. He didn't call you for a week, something odd because you talk to each other every single day. So you tried to stay your most quiet but he didn't leave your mind. It was like Alex was a noise that wouldn't quiet up until you actually turned it off. And by turning it off it meant talking to him. But you didn't have the courage just yet and you finally had it, he showed up first.

He rang your doorbell and you got scared. It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon, practically night since you were with lights on and everything lying on your bed, looking for inner peace. You just got out of the shower and put on the blue shirt he forgot the last time he was at yours.
You opened the door and your heart immediately raced. He looked incredibly handsome.

"Hey, can we talk?"

"He is going to break up with me", you thought.

"Yeah, sure." You said and walked to your room.

"Come". You said and walked to your room, sitting on the corner of your bed, it was a mess, full of pilled coats.

"What happened here?" Alex questioned joking.

"You know the ghost I always talk to you about?"

"The one who judges your knocking boots habits?"

"Yeah." You answered laughing. "That one. It was him. Or she. I knew he was judging me, fucking prick." You both laughed.

"Listen, I don't think this is working anymore." He said. "I thought I could do casual but really, I can't. Not when everything you do makes me crazy about you. Not when the simple act of you wearing my shirt made me think that you might be mine. When we agreed to do this, I really thought I could do it, but no, I can't. "

"So you are saying you like me"

"I'm saying that I saw a connection here and saw potential in us. Like I have a feeling that I lit a fuse that you were trying not to light."

You smiled and kissed him. Really kissed.

"Alex, I like you. I mean, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I got so jealous when they started to talk about someone else at that party, so I just needed a moment to understand my emotions."

"Are you saying you're jealous?" He mocked you.

"Shut up. Yes. I got jealous, Al. I honestly don't want to be casual anymore. I know I'm ready to do this."

"Let's do this then. It's not like it's gonna change anything. We are so connected to each other's lives." he expressed.

"I just ask you one thing, Alex; don't break my heart."

She Does the Woods - Alex Turner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now