Stop the world I wanna get off with you

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Fluff <3

Warnings: mentions of alcohol and sexual content

Does Alex feel the same way as you?

January 28

How could you explain the impact he had on you? The way he made you feel when you were by his side was just too much.
You had just broken up with someone before Christmas, how come it was so easy for you to fall for somebody new? Truth be told, you and Alex have always had this crazy connection so when you both agreed to be friends with benefits, you kind of knew what was waiting for you: a friendship with lots of questioning and great sex.
He made you feel like you have never felt before but you couldn't read his mind. You wanted to try it out but was too afraid to.
He was a rockstar, a free spirit.  He wouldn't want to have anything more serious with anyone; would he?

You started to question this to yourself when you were both drunk, hooking up like every once in a while. Every time he was in the city, he would find a way to meet you somehow.
Alex would tell about the process of making his new album and how he thought that this one was going to be a game changer to the band's career. He talked about doing slower songs with very different and experimental guitar solos. He even joked about you being his muse.

"Come on, I'm nobody's muse." You said.
"Darling, you're the world's muse." He responded.

You asked to see some of the songs but he said they weren't quite ready or tried to talk about something else.
There was an unspoken tension between you too like you both wanted to say something but ended up on the same routine every time.

And then, it was Friday. You were feeling alone, still angry about your last breakup: how could you get cheated by someone you didn't even love? How could you spend five months wanting to break up but didn't have the guts to do it?
You were feeling like shit, laying on your bed, playing with your vibrator, and drinking cheap wine.
It was around 1 A.M. Your phone started ringing and you knew who it was: Alex. You blocked him, not because he did something, but because you were in one of these moments where you didn't want anyone to talk to you and you didn't feel like being sexy.
One hour passed by, you were a little drunk and a stranger number called you. You picked it up:


"Heyyyy" You'd recognize this voice anywhere. Alex.

"Alex? It's three A.M now. Why are you awake?"

"Uhm- I- Can I come in?" You walked to your window and saw him with puppy eyes and couldn't help but laugh it off.

"What the fuck?" you mumbled. He laughed. "Come over!"

He entered your house and started talking about how he was in a bar and couldn't help but think of you, the image of you waking up next to him with his clothes making him feel crazy to see you.

"Darling, you look so fucking hot." He stated.

"Alex, I'm sorry but I'm not feeling great at the moment. You can sleep here though."

"What's up? You know you can talk to me, right?" He said and you just nodded. "I just have to say something. It will be very quick I promise. It's just- It's stuck here" He pointed at his heart.

"You're drunk. Let's go to bed. You'll regret this tomorrow."

"Nah. This is what the nights are made for. To say the things I don't dare to tell on the day."

"Okay, but it kind of is the morning right now. It's 3 A.M"  You answered with an ironic tone.

"Yes, and here I am, trying to change your mind. Please, babe."

"Ok, go on."

"I hate your ex and the things they did to you. I just had this dream and I can't stop thinking about it. I guess what I want to know is if you're willing to try this."

"What is "this" ?" You asked.

"Fuck! You're so sarcastic. And that's hot. "This" is something that we will not find with other people. This connection here, it's rare. I'm fucking bored of anyone else and I want to be with you. My brain is busy thinking about you all day long."

"So you're saying we should be together?"

"Fuck yes! You're intoxicating me. I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking of your voice. Do you feel the same? I know you do! I heard you talking to your friend."

"What did you hear?"

"You talking about how your heart is open and you're prepared for anything. That you liked me and could picture us together."

"Yeah, I also said that you're a free soul that doesn't want anything with me."

"Well, that's just not the truth. We could be together. If you want to, of course."

"IF I want to? No, Alex. You need to want me."

"What do you want me to do? Beg on my knees? Crawl to you?"

"HA HA HA you are funny."

"You know, they say that the person you want to call when you're drunk is the right one." He answered.

"I mean, you do call me every time you're drunk." You said smiling.

"I wrote a lot of things about you, you know that." He added with a serious face.

"If you want to be with me, fucking show me."

He took off his pocket a nap with some words on it and handled it to you read it:

"Well I know that getting you alone isn't easy to do
With the exception of you, I dislike everyone in the room
And I don't wanna lie, but I don't wanna tell you the truth
Get the sense that you're on the move
And you'll probably be leaving soon
So I'm telling you
Stop the world 'cause I wanna get off with you"

"Wow, Alex. This is beautiful. You wrote it for me?"

"In the taxi on the way here. I wrote to show you how much I love you."

"I love you so much. And I'm not leaving any time soon if you're worried about that. Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "Did you write something else for me?"

"Yes. There's this one, a very cheeky one If I'm being honest. I talk about your favorite author and shit."

"Edgar Allan Poe?"

"And H.P Lovecraft. I was feeling very horny because you said you weren't in town. So I began to think of you in our favorite position."

"Oh! Drunk Alex is so direct. Let's go to sleep and you'll show me this tomorrow, okay? I want to know all about the new album."

"Do you?"

"I do."

Ok, this is SO CLICHE but I love this kind of thing with references and shit. Hope you liked it💕

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