She does the woods

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Hi! This book was supposed to be just a One shot inspired by the song "She does the Woods" by The last Shadow Puppets I wrote when I was really horny. Turns out I ended up liking to write this lol so I'm going to continue updating it with more stories and some fluff too.
Feel free to send any requests. Hope you enjoy it <3

Warnings: sexual content, mentions of alcohol and drugs

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The sky was blue, and the birds were humming outside. Summer was always a good time, even though it felt very hot. It was perfect for going to the beach, eating ice cream, and having a cold drink.

You decided to get out of bed and looked to your side; Alex was still asleep, his eyes beautifully closed with his mouth partly open. You didn't want to wake him up; he looked so handsome resting. But you couldn't resist the pretty day waiting for you outside. After all, you were on vacation and had to spend the rest of the days having a great time.

Carefully, you touched his fluffy dark brown hair and watched him wake up slowly, his face tired from last night. It turned out that drinking wine and getting high on edibles could make a person very tired.

"Babe?" You whispered in his ear.

"Good afternoon, beautiful" he answered with a little smile on his face. The look of love he always managed to give you was everything you needed.

"Sweetheart, I know you're tired, but it's such a beautiful day outside. Do you maybe want to have a picnic in the woods?"

"Babe, of course. I doubt the day is prettier than you though..." he leaned in for a kiss on your lips.

As you both got ready, you couldn't help but think about last night. Remembering the intensity of your kisses, your body shivered, and you decided that you wanted to experience sex like that again. Yesterday, you both explored each other's bodies like you never did before, and it affected you in ways that you couldn't describe. Because of this, you decided to pick a cute but sexy sundress, emphasizing your tan. Your dress exposed your boobs, and you felt very confident.

"God, you look..." He stared at your whole body, practically eating you with his eyes. "Fucking stunning."

You smiled at his remark, praising his outfit as well. You loved it when he wore shorts and a white button-up shirt. It made everything feel so intimate.

"And you look hot too, Alexander," you said, smiling.

"Honey, I know this smile. You're up to something, and I very much know what."

He came closer to you and smirked. It's amazing how after so much time, he still managed to make you feel those "butterflies" in your stomach.

"God, you're so cute when you're like this," he said, looking at your lips.

"Like what, babe?" you answered, pretending not to know what he was talking about.

"Like you're just waiting for me to fuck you anytime. Don't worry, babe, I know you already have it all planned. Going out with this dress, having a picnic in the middle of the woods. Don't you think it's a little bit risky? I mean, people can see us. Or is this what you want, huh? Do you like that? Being at the danger of getting caught?"

You let a little laugh out, shy because of what he said and the fact that it was true. He could read your mind like no one else could.

"Let's go, I have a cute surprise for you."

You took a bottle of wine, some Italian bread, and cheese, and put them in a basket. As you both walked, he carried it, and you took a moment to listen to the sound of nature. With his hands on your waist, he let you guide him. When you got to the perfect spot, you both sat down and smiled. There was a small lake in front of you, and no one was there since the "popular" part of the forest was far from where you chose.

She Does the Woods - Alex Turner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now