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A/N: Last day everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this story and I'll try and write some more when I'm not completely exhausted! Platonic yandere inspired by Mulan!

You knew your older sister wasn't as weak as she was painted by the elders. Everyone seemed to underestimate her, but not you. You saw her clumsy and ditsy facade for what it really was. A mask. 

You knew she snuck out at night. She would always check on you first, tucking you in and stroking your hair, before leaving through your window. 

You guessed she was planning something or meeting with someone. She underestimated how heavy of a sleeper you were, you weren't a kid anymore. Where once nothing short of a volcanic eruption could disturb your slumber, now even her graceful and quiet footsteps were enough to rouse you.

You never told your parents about what she was doing. They'd never believe you, they never have. They'd choose her over you every time, just because she was older. You were nothing compared to her, everyone seemed to know it but her.

So you let her sneaking out remain a secret. You never tried to stop her. You simply let her do whatever it was during the night, and tried not to think about it too much during the day.


You had caught a bad cold, which had made it impossible to sleep. Your breathing was labored and your nose was stuffy. Your throat ached with every breath. You were torn between living under your covers and tossing them off due to the sweat stains.

Maia had taken on the role of the dutiful older sister, sitting at your bedside and tending to you. She was still there now, reading a book under a dim lantern. 

"Maia?" She placed down the book and smoothed out your hair.

"Yes, Y/N?" She asked. Your throat hurt to much to speak more so you raised a hand, pointing at your window.

"Are you sure you want it open? It's rather hot out." She asked. You nodded anyway, letting her open the window. The sound of the cicadas outside was calming, and helped you doze off. You weren't fully asleep, but you probably looked it. 

Maia left your room, returning only a little later. You heard as she blew out the lantern and set it on your bedside table. Then she adjusted the blankets so they covered you more, replacing the cool towel on your forehead. She was gone after that, and she probably wouldn't be back until the morning.


Someone was coming through your window. It was Maia, you could tell from the way she expertly and quietly landed on your floor. Someone came behind her though, landing with a bit of a harder thud.

They whispered back and forth for a few seconds before you felt a hand on your shoulder, shaking you more awake. You let out an involuntary groan, but the shaking persisted until you finally opened your eyes. Maia was next to you, along with a man who smiled down at you.

"You weren't lying. They really are adorable." He cooed. Maia ignored him, her eyes trained solely on you.

"Y/N. I need you to be quiet for me. Can you do that, hmm?" Maia asked, checking the cloth on your forehead.

"Maia?" You whispered. Your voice was scratchy from the cold.

"Yes, Y/N. It's me. Shu, can you carry them?" The man, Shu, nodded. He awed at your whine as he gently picked you up. You lay in his arms, shivering as Maia grabbed one of the softer and heavier blankets off of your bed, wrapping you in it.

"Maia." You whined, trying to make sense of what was happening. Shu shushed you as he carefully maneuvered the both of you out of your bedroom window. Maia followed behind you and the two of them walked in silence. 

You weren't sure when you arrived, only knowing you'd actually fallen asleep around the time the man had started humming to you as he walked. Now you were entering a large manor you'd never seen before.


"Yes, Y/N. I'm right here." She promised you, holding your hand. You were carried through a maze of hallways before finally being placed onto a bed. Someone tucked you in and another cool cloth was placed on your forehead.

"I know you're sleepy, and you can ask questions in the morning. This is Shu, the person I'm betrothed to." Maia said, gesturing to the man beside her. "The thing is, while we love each other, neither of us want biological kids. On top of that, we know the second I'm out of the house mother and father will instantly try and betroth you."

"So, we've decided to take you instead. Now you can live a happy and carefree life with us and never have to worry about your parents again!" Shu promised, stroking your cheek. 

"What? Maia this is-!" You were interrupted by a coughing fit. It hurt your throat even more and you found yourself crying from the pain. Maia and Shu helped you lie down once you were done, both of them lavishing you with attention.

"Shush, Y/N. Let yourself sleep and soon, this will all fade away." Maia said, running a hand through your hair. As you fell asleep, your sickness taking a toll on you, you hoped this would lead to a good life and not a living nightmare.

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