18 / 24

608 11 1

A/N: This will be a continuation of part 6/24 because I lack new ideas so I'll build off of old ones. Platonic yandere

Your 'new father' never told you his name. Instead, you managed to pick it up from a man as he led you aboard his ship. You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt as he led you to his cabin. You'd never actually been on a ship before.

"Lucas! You can't just suddenly wander off like that! You know fully well that your men don't listen to me!" The man seethed. He looked similar to your 'father', or Lucas as you now knew. They had the same green eyes and plethora of freckles, but Lucas had fiery red hair while the second man had dark brown. The second man also had a slight limp and used an ornate cane to walk.

"Darling, meet my little brother, Pierre." Your 'father' introduced, encouraging you forward. You froze as Pierre's mouth dropped open in shock. He glanced back and forth between you and Lucas for a while before he let out a long suffering sigh.

"Did you kidnap a child, Lucas? Really?!" Pierre asked. He limped closer to you, using his sleeve to wipe some stray sand off of your face.

"I didn't kidnap anyone! They were technically willing." Your 'father' insisted. Pierre rolled his eyes, carefully looking you over.

"You poor thing. Look at these dreadful rags..." Pierre frowned and Lucas nodded.

"Indeed. Can you schedule a fitting for them once we return? Both for a new wardrobe and a crown. Until then though, I should be able to scrounge up something a little better." Lucas said. Pierre nodded before gesturing over to a knight who was waiting patiently.

"Go talk to your men, brother. I'll run them a bath while you're busy. I'll also get them some clothes, you wouldn't know fashion if it was standing right in front of you." Pierre chastised. He gently led you away from Lucas and towards a private cabin.


You felt cleaner than you had in ages. Not only were you allowed to use hot water, and the most expensive hair products and soaps, but Pierre had spent a while just brushing your hair for you. He was, in your opinion, the best uncle ever. 

Pierre had dressed you in one of Lucas' shirts, and some deer hide trousers. The trousers were borrowed from some junior knight because they fit well, only a little loose. The shirt, on the other hand, swamped you and Pierre had to cuff the sleeves for it to fit properly. 

Sometime during your daze of getting your hair brushed Lucas entered the cabin with some paper, ink and quills. 

"Thank you, Pierre. How about you go tend to your leg, hm?" Pierre huffed but left the cabin, not before giving you a quick kiss on the forehead.

"You promised to help me get into Peter's castle. Could you draw me a map?" Lucas asked you.

The next half hour was spent with you hunched over the parchment. Your writing skills were sloppy since you technically weren't supposed to know how to. The head maid had taught you anyway so you could help her with errands. 

Eventually, you came up with a somewhat detailed sketch of the castle and the servants passages inside as well as where they led. You handed it over to Lucas once you finished, pushing away your feeling of anxiety. Sure, King Peter had never loved you, but did he really deserve to be betrayed like this?

"You did good, darling. Hopefully, we'll be able to head back home soon. I promise you my empire is way more impressive than this. The castle has a private beach attached where you can go scavenge for shells every day." Lucas promised you, ruffling your hair. 

Maybe this would be worth it.


Pierre tucked you into bed that night. Lucas had already left with his knights, minus a couple who were guarding your door. You'd never been tucked into bed before, much less had a warm fire so close to where you slept. The excitement of today was taking it's toll on you.

You were already a goner before Pierre started reading to you from a book he'd pulled from one of Lucas' shelves. You were out in an instant, dreaming of the happiness your new life would bring.


"I'm surprised you didn't try and run with them." Pierre didn't turn to look at Lucas. From here he could smell the metallic scent of blood. His brother always got more trigger happy after a kill.

"And run where?" He asked, closing the book and laying it in his lap. He still refused to look at Lucas, keeping his eyes trained on your sleeping figure.

"Smart boy. You've learned since last time." There was a rustle from behind him and a few minutes later Lucas stepped into his view. He was just wearing his pants and boots, shirt, cape and armor abandoned. "How's your leg brother?"

Pierre growled, anger growing. "You would know, wouldn't you? Seeing as you're the one who broke it." Not only had Lucas broken it, he'd also made sure it never healed correctly, leading to the limp.

"Today must be a bad day then. Seeing as your so grouchy and you were actually using the cane I got you."

"You know just as well as I do that you're going to hurt them. At some point they'll do something, just like I did, and you'll snap at them too." Pierre said, standing from the chair and finally facing Lucas head on. Lucas only smiled, an evil grin.

"Family is very important to me. They'll learn that just as you have, brother. Now be a dear and go get some sleep, hm? You've had enough time with them today."

Pierre left the cabin with a sick feeling in his stomach. One of the knights standing guard immediately started to escort him to his own cabin. As he looked up at the stars he hoped you would escape and lead a happier, and freer, life then he has ever been able to. 

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