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A/N: Platonic yandere - Spirited Away inspired. I imagine reader to be about 9 - 12 in this one shot but you can read it however you like!
Possible TW: Reader gets changed from their clothes into pajamas. It's completely platonic, very quick and not sexual in any way but it is against the reader's consent.

You wandered around the old town, peeking into all the empty restaurants. The lack of people didn't sit right with you, in fact it was more unsettling with all the hot plates of food set out. Alluring scents trying to catch your attention and they might've if you hadn't felt too anxious to eat anything.

Somewhere behind you, your parents were still stuffing their faces with your siblings as you explored. Your clammy hands constantly gripping your cross shoulder bag. The bag itself had been a gift from your best friend, the art supplies in it had come from your class mates and the journal and sketchbook had come from your teachers. All of them were gifts because your parents had decided to move.

You found yourself stopping in front of an old bath house, staring up at the elaborate decorations and curved roofs. You sat on a tree stump nearby, instead of setting foot onto the bridge in front of it, and started to sketch it. By the time you were finally happy with it and looked up to start color blocking you flinched at the sight of a boy sitting in front of you.

"Hello." He tilted his head quizzically to one side. "What's a child like you doing here on their own?"

"I'm not alone. Just exploring." You answered, picking up a red colored pencil and starting to color.

"That's a very nice sketch. Would you like to see the inside?" The boy asked, suddenly behind you and looking over your shoulder. You shrugged him off and continued to color.

"I can't. I need to be here when my parents come looking for me." You traded out your red for a darker red and started to fill in the shadows. The boy shrugged, suddenly lying on his back in the sun in front of you. How was he moving so fast?

"Well then, don't let me stop you. I'll watch over you until your parent's call for you." He grinned, as if he knew something you didn't, before he closed his eyes. You simply continued drawing, however when you finished on the main building and got to the sketch of the bridge and the small grassy patch where you were sitting you found yourself sketching the boy into your drawing. He just looked so natural sprawled out in the sun.

You just finished up your sketch as the sun began to set, dying the sky pink. You packed up your supplies, deciding to go find your parents.

"Where are you going?" The boy asked, standing up with a yawn. He slowly stretched before making his way over to you.

"I need to find my parents." You stated, walking back towards the abandoned town. The boy followed beside you.

"I'll accompany you. While the town may be empty during the day it really comes alive at night." You didn't protest too much. The boy wasn't too much older than you and if he'd wanted to hurt you he would've done it already.

However as the lights started coming on, as the shops lit up, you froze in horror. Nothing surrounding you was human. There were big, black shadow like creatures, creatures who resembled animals, floating eyes. You froze, being gently tugged along by the boy beside you, who'd taken your hand.

"I wouldn't stare too much. Not everything here is the fondest of humans. Especially ones that are full blooded." The boy was different now. On his head were two, identical fox ears. From the way they twitched at the bustling restaurants they clearly worked. Sprouting from his back were a number of fluffy looking tails. What had once been a casual tunic and pants was now a traditional kimono. He was a fox spirit.

"W- what?" You whimpered out. He just shushed you, picking you up when your legs started to give out.

"I know it must be really scary, hmm? But I'll keep you safe." He carried you through the now bustling town until he reached where you'd last seen your parents and siblings. In their places were now giant pigs, still eating the food in front of them.

"M- mom? D- dad?" You hoped this was all some sort of bad dream. You tried to reach for them but the boy gently cooed before coaxing your hand back to holding onto him.

"I wouldn't touch them right now. Magic can be finicky, especially when it's first applied to full blooded humans. Of course, this wouldn't have happened if they'd never stolen from the spirits." The boy smiled down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you tried to squirm away. "Come now. Father wishes to meet with us. It's not every day we find innocent full bloods, like yourself." 


You sat in the plush chair, holding your bag close. You refused to look anyone in this room in the eye. The fox spirit, Aspen, was still there. He sat to your left and looked rather entertained by the whole situation. To your right was Aspen's older brother, Ambrose, who was a wolf spirit. In front of you was the man Aspen had called father.

Father just so happened to be part dragon. He was giant, even as he masqueraded as a human to try and comfort you. Meanwhile, you diligently refused every single item of food placed in front of you.

Not only was the adrenaline from fear undermining your hunger but you also remembered what happened to your parents. You didn't want to be turned into a pig, or any other animal. You just wanted your parents and to go home.

"You're so tiny. Are you sure they're healthy, father?" Ambrose asked.

"Human children are often very tiny compared to us spirits. The child is absolutely fine." Father answered. Aspen pushed your plate closer to you.

"That may be true but humans still need to eat. C'mon, is something wrong? Why aren't you eating?" He asked, picking up your fork for you and bringing a bite up to your mouth. You shied away from it, turning your head.

"Aspen, do not pressure them. They are likely frightened and need some comfort." Father smiled at you. "The food will not harm you child. Nor will it afflict you with any type of curse or spell. It is being offered willingly, you are not stealing it."

"N- not hungry." You answered, your hands tightening around the strap of your bag. While Ambrose and Aspen sighed, father merely shrugged it off.

"That is alright, child. As long as you eat later. Now, it's getting quite late for someone so young. We should put you to bed." You frantically shook your head no. The last thing you wanted was to be unconscious and completely unaware of your surroundings. Father chuckled, effortlessly plucking you from your chair and carrying your flailing form from the room.

"Shush, little one. Today has marked many endings, but also many beginnings. You shall be reborn and begin your new life here." Father said with a smile. "The spirits will protect you. You'll have two caring older brothers. You'll have all the attention and everything you could ever dream of, I promise you."

"I want my parents! Give them back!" You yelled, as he entered a room. It was revealed to be an expensive looking bedroom. Father set you down on the bed, commanding something in an unfamiliar language that forced your body to stop squirming and go limp.

He'd quickly, and expertly, changed you into a pair of soft pajamas before tucking you under the sheets. After a few minutes of laying there, unable to move, he'd returned also dressed in pajamas. He climbed under the sheets next to you, pressing your considerably smaller body to his chest so you could listen to him breathing.

Right before the light turned out a fox with a multitude of tails had nestled itself into your right side while a wolf had nestled against your left. As the room was plunged into darkness you felt a set of lips against your forehead. Then, you felt nothing at all as a simple sleeping spell led you into your new life.

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