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A/N: Platonic yandere!

Turning to villainy had never been on the top of your career list. Technically, you guessed it could classify as an internship or a part time job, you were still attending high school after all.It was just one you could never tell anyone about.

You didn't do anything too dangerous, mainly just acted as a secretary of some sort for the villains working in tandem with, and under, Andras. The man was a powerful villain with interesting morals. Certain heroes he would attack mercilessly and others he would avoid fighting at all.

You mainly took care of the background stuff, props for ransom videos, making sure the med kits were fully stocked and bringing people coffee. Villains can't exactly waltz into Starbucks and get drinks while on the clock and in costume.

It was an easy job and one that paid ridiculously well. Andras was kind to you and treated you fairly. He was one of the best bosses you could've asked for... until your foster dad, Marcus, threw a wrench into your plans. You see, Marcus had a similar job to you, only he was a secretary to the city's favorite hero, Lucia. 

He'd recently hurt his wrist pretty bad trying to fix something you'd already advised him to call a professional about. Because of his inability to do quality work until his wrist healed he'd offered you up as tribute to his boss as a temporary replacement. It would've been nice if you had wanted or needed a job but you already had one.

Now you were stuck in a very awkward position of explaining to your boss about why you needed two and a half weeks of leave. Which was to go do your same job, but for his nemesis.

"...so yeah. That's why I need the time off..." You refused to look your boss in the eyes as you waited for his response. It was silent for a moment, each second making your anxiety sky rocket more and more before he finally answered you. By answer you I mean he started laughing.

"Thats-! That's hilarious!" He finally stammered out, wiping his eyes. "Yeah sure. Take the time you need." 

You wished he'd said no. You really wished he hadn't found your situation so comical and absolutely hilarious. Now you were stuck following around someone who could be a walking demonstration of how people in power are very different in private.

On the news, Lucia was bubbly and happy and always had a smile on her face during interviews. In private, she was stricter than Andras, and he was a villain! She had a very rigid schedule and drank way too much coffee to be as healthy as she appeared. In all honesty she was scarier to you than the supervillain you worked with.

It was this fear of her that made you push yourself farther. Even during exam season you were there as soon as school ended until the day hours ended at 7:30. Then you went home and studied until late, usually falling asleep at your desk. Your health was rapidly declining but you just managed to make it through test season before passing out. Unfortunately, the place you passed out was in Lucia's office, right before an important meeting.

It had been a long day and your body had finally given up on you, shutting down randomly. Your clipboard had clattered to the floor and you had followed, staggering to your knees before collapsing forward. You could faintly make out Lucia rushing to your side as you passed out, vaguely wondering if this would be enough to get you fired.


"It's not my fault they didn't tell me about their exams. I would've lightened their work load." You could hear a voice say. Somewhere off to the side you could hear steady beeping.

"They're stubborn like that. It's how they've always been, darling. It's not your fault at all." Another voice answered. Your mind was floating around and it took you a while to place the voices to people you knew.

That first voice was Lucia, there was no one else it could be. But that second voice... was that Andras? What were he and Lucia both doing with you and why weren't they fighting. They seemed to be having a civil, even loving, conversation.

When you finally managed to open your eyes a bit the sight shocked you. You were in a hospital room with an IV in your arm. Next to your bed were indeed Lucia and Andras, but they appeared to be in civilian getup. Lucia's hair was down, something you'd never seen before, and she was wearing glasses. Her eyes were a completely different color which meant you would've won your bet with one of the other interns that she wore colored contacts.

Next to her, and possibly more shocking, was Andras. Instead of the fancy suits or his villain wear that you were so used to seeing he was wearing a fuzzy looking sweater and sweatpants. His hair wasn't gelled back but still styled expertly. The way he looked right now almost made him appear soft.

"Y/N! You scared us half to death! You really need to get more sleep and drink more fluids." Lucia scolded as she noticed you awake. Andras put a hand onto her shoulder, smiling sympathetically.

"The kid just woke up, Lucy. Don't yell at them already. Besides, they'll have plenty of opportunities to change when we get home." He said, smiling down at you.

"H- home?" You asked. It didn't sound like they were talking about your foster family.

"Yes. Home with me and Lucy." Andras said. Lucia nodded, smiling at you. For the first time you think it was a real smile.

"Don't worry. We know it might be a bit hard to adjust at first, goodness knows we're both going to have to shift around our schedules a lot, but it'll all be worth it for you. Besides, I've made more than enough to retire from hero work. There's no need to continue full time." She reassured you.

"I don't understand. What's going on?"

"We're taking you home, where we can keep you safe. Like Lucia said, it'll take some time for you to adjust but we'll make it through." He ruffled your hair. "Now, we can discuss this all once we get you discharged and home. Don't worry, we won't be like your last foster family. This time, you'll have all the love we could possibly give."

Lucia smiled and kissed you on the forehead and Andras gently held your hand in his. You lay there in shock at what was happening, wondering if this was still a dream from your sudden bout of unconsciousness.

Unfortunately for you, or maybe luckily depending on how you view it, this surprise adoption was very real.

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