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A/N: Rewrite of 7 - Trip from my Writetober 2022 book!

You wiped the itchy, sweat stuck hair off of your forehead in annoyance. You didn't enjoy hiking on the best of days and doing it with a class of people you didn't even really like was not the best of days. Not only that but all of you were sweaty and unbearably hot. 

When your school had advertised an all expenses paid trip to a remote tropical island you'd obviously jumped on board. Only you thought you would be relaxing on a beach and maybe swimming for the entire trip, not this.

At least this trip was being used as a bonding moment as murmurs of discontent were shared. It was luck that the group of people you were with, who were trailing behind, were cut off as a tree suddenly fell and blocked the path.

"No one is injured so we'll head back!" One of the kids in your group yelled. You all started heading back, in higher spirits than before, even joking about the hike. You noticed several snakes on the side of the path, watching as your group headed back towards the beach where your camp was. 

The snakes each had interesting patterns, ones you'd never seen before. They hissed back and forth with each other but made no threatening moves. Realizing they were snakes just trying to do whatever it is wild snakes do, your group moved on.

By the time the second group arrived back, having to take the long route and do the entire hike, your group was already in the cool water, splashing around. Maybe luck was on your side.


"I'm telling you, we saw a ton of snakes! Tell them Y/N!" Peter said, drying his hair with a towel.

"Yeah, they were just lining the path as we walked back. Must've been like 10 of them, just sitting there." You backed him up, snacking on some chips.

"You're bluffing! I dare you to sneak out after curfew and actually get a picture of one!" Sara, one of the girls from the second group said, tossing you her disposable camera.

"What do I get if I do it?" You asked, taking the camera. She grinned.

"$100 each to whoever goes." Now who would be stupid enough to take that bet?


The answer is you. You and two of your classmates apparently were stupid enough to take that bet. The three of you had made it back into the forest with no issue. Peter and Amy held the flashlights while you held the camera, ready to take a picture. 

Eventually you stumbled upon a snake, lying on the path. It looked limp and dead. The snake was big, nearly 7 feet and as thick as a lamp post.

"Is it okay?" You asked, Peter got closer to it. Carefully looking it over.

"I think it might be dead." It was as he turned around that the snake struck, burying its teeth into his leg. He screamed and in your panic the camera went off with a flash. From behind you Amy screamed, you didn't even see what happened as he flashlight dropped and she was pulled off into the dark woods.

Peter fell limply to the ground and you realized you had to get help. You ran, sprinting back until you tripped, falling to the ground hard. Your ankle throbbed with pain. You had tripped over something big and dark, spread across the path. You thought it was a tree root until it moved.

Strong arms entered your limited vision, gently drawing you closer. You whimpered in fear and the camera slipped from your grip, landing on the forest floor with a thud.

"Hush." The voice was almost hissy. "Your friends are fine, dearest. Let's get you home and get that ankle looked at, okay?"


The next day, once it was discovered that the three of you were missing a search party was sent out. While they never found you, the disposable camera was recovered. The last picture was Peter, doubled over as he got bit, with a pair of reflective eyes watching on from the tree line. The three of you were never found.

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