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You used to love your job. Your old boss had been fair and very hardworking. Everything went downhill once his children had taken over things. First of all, they made everyone resign their contracts, 20 page long contracts. There no time to read over the thing and also finish all your work for the day.

You held a very prestigious job that was taken very seriously. Not completing paperwork on time could hold dire consequences and result in punishment or termination. You were an assistant to the rulers of the moon, Psyeris.

Psyeris was the most successful off-Earth colony to date. However, that was mainly due to rigid rules and the great consequences that came with breaking those rules. Punishments could be anything from loosing ration cards to termination of self. 

The only ones above the law were your bosses, Leslie and Solaris. They had on demand service at all times and generally profited off of the suffering of everyone else. While their father had at least tried to be humble, your new bosses could care less.

Worse than all of that was their obsession with you.


You were chewing on your daily lunch ration while finishing up your paperwork. It wasn't good food by any stretch of the word but it was edible. You flinched as someone slammed something against your desk.

"Y/N." You rolled your eyes, finishing up the line you were writing before turning to where Leslie was standing by your desk, her arms crossed. Solaris stood next to her, smirking down at you.

"Can I help you, Miss Leslie? Mister Solaris?" You asked, placing down your sandwich.

"We asked you to have lunch with us. Have you forgotten that?" Leslie growled. 

"I have not, Miss Leslie. Your lunch does not start for another 45 minutes. I would've accompanied you then." You promised, frowning as you checked your watch. You were still on time, so you were confused as to why they were here.

"Having lunch implies we eat together, darling. Something you're doing without us." Solaris said, pointing at your unfinished sandwich.

"My apologies, Mister Solaris, Miss Leslie." You dutifully apologized, hoping they'd let it go and let you get back to your paperwork. Instead Solaris swept up your unfinished lunch and pushed it into your trash can with a smile.

"Let this be a lesson. We expect you to remember next time and accept what we wish to give you." Leslie said. You stared after them in shock as they walked out of your office. 


The next morning you were back at your desk, working through the pain of hunger. You hadn't managed to finish your last sheet before the work bell went off meaning you were exempt from dinner and breakfast rations.

You drowned yourself in your work, this wasn't the first time you hadn't met quota, you'd be fine until lunch. You knew you could make it. You weren't drawn from your work until Leslie happily walked into your office, forcing some poor nearby worker to drag in a chair for her.

She sat directly across from you, eating food that smelled so good to you. You tried to ignore the fragrant meal as you forced yourself to continue writing. Your willpower was shocking to yourself as you powered through until lunch, dropping your pen as you realized you'd finished way more than required for lunch rations.

"I don't think so darling. You're eating with me and Solaris today." Leslie said, stopping you at the door.

"Apologies Miss Leslie." You muttered, moping back to your desk. You were so tired of this job but you couldn't quit without violating your contract. You picked your pen back up and tried your best to ignore the fuzzy feeling and light headedness that came with low blood sugar. 

It was roughly an hour later when Leslie interrupted your work. She roused you from your desk, dragging you through the building to the head office. Solaris was already there, along with three plates of steaming food. The food was clearly above ration quality. It was fragrant and colorful, something you hadn't seen since leaving Earth as a young child.

"Darling. Here, let me feed you." Solaris said with a grin. When he saw your face drop a smirk grew on his face. "Unless you don't want to eat at all? You're only allowed to eat if we provide it."

"Thank you, Mister Solaris." You said, smiling through the negative feelings. The food tasted heavenly, way better than what you were given for regular rations. You let Solaris feed you the entire plate, before you realized something was wrong.

Your world blurred and you slumped over, panting as you tried to stay awake. Leslie smiled and slid something across to you. It was your contract with a passage highlighted. The last thing you saw before you passed out was the section that would turn your life upside down.

Section 102D - Clause B12
Those in control of the moon Psyeris reserve the right to date whomever they wish. They also reserve the right to take that person with no legal consequences. Those who find themselves taken in this situation have a legal obligation to stay with those in control of Psyeris. Punishments of any caliber -- decided by the ruler of Psyeris -- may be implemented if this rule is broken.

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