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A/N: Platonic Yandere

You were laying on your side, blindfolded and tied up. Surprisingly the fabric around your hands wasn't too uncomfortable and the blindfold wasn't too tight. The mattress under you was soft and comfortable and you found your body too heavy to move much.

"Never use rope, rope will be uncomfortable and leave uncomfortable marks on your child's skin. On top of that, make sure the fabric you're using is not only soft but also breathable. Don't leave them in a chair, instead place them on a mattress and make sure they aren't laying on either arm too much." A woman was saying somewhere behind you. Her voice sounded off, like it was being changed. 

"Now, while I refuse to show the face of my darling, for both of our privacy, know that the blindfold I'm using is not tied on too tight. While it would be a pain to try and get off, you don't want it to constrict too tightly, especially if its too big and covers their nose. You don't want to restrict breathing." The woman continued. 

You let out a small groan as you started to feel a bit better. Your head was still a little fuzzy, but your limbs weren't as heavy. A gentle hand was placed on your head, stroking it gently.

"Now, my darling is starting to wake up. Be careful with the drugs you use and where you get them from. Different drugs will have a litany of different side effects and you want to be careful with how they'll affect your children."

You struggled a little, finally finding the strength to try and pull against your bindings. The woman next to you shushed you.

"That will be the end of this video. Don't forget that you aren't alone. Be careful and don't get caught, bye bye!" There was a sigh and then some shuffling.

"Sorry about that sweetheart, I didn't mean to wake you." The woman chuckled. Her voice has lost the electronic buzz and sounded normal, a couple of tones deeper than it had been a bit ago. "I promised them some tips once I had you safe and sound."

Finally, the blindfold was pulled off and you blinked at the light around you.

"W- who-?"

"I'm your mother, silly. I finally have you home now."


"Yes, honey. Home. Not only that, but I've also been able to give better advice to my followers now that I have someone to test products on."

"Followers?" You were still rather dazed, your hazy mind trying to make sense of the woman in front of you.

"I run a blog about the best way to take care of kids. Everything from how to take them from their temporary parents to their new homes and also tips on how to help them grow." She said enthusiastically. Your mind finally wrapped around the concept of what she was saying.

"You kidnapped me? You give advice on how to kidnap kids?" You asked, panic slowly growing.

"Not kidnapping, adoption." The woman said with a smile as she ruffled your hair. "Now I'm gonna go make you some lunch, okay? When I get back we can eat and start getting you acclimated to your forever home. I promise you're going to love it here."

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