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You braced yourself before slamming into the door with your shoulder. Despite looking like a normal wooden door, you'd been trying to break your way out since you woke up 15 minutes ago. You winced as your smarting shoulder throbbed madly. If you continued like this you could seriously hurt yourself.

"That marks your 7th time trying to brute force your way through the door." A voice informed you. You glared at the obvious security camera and microphone, flipping off them both. The voice just laughed before the speaker went quiet again.

The room was small and had almost nothing in it. There was the small cot you woke up on, no pillows or blankets, the chain that went from your ankle to the floor, a small toilet and sink and that was it. You could, theoretically throw something over the camera to cover it, but the only thing you had would be your clothing and you didn't want to show this creep any more than you had to.

You rubbed your injured shoulder as you once again took stock of your inventory. Only this wasn't some detective movie where something very obvious you'd missed suddenly jumped out to you. You had nothing but the bare minimum.

You weren't sure what time it was. The room you were in had no windows and lacked a clock of any kind. It was simply a holding cell, nothing more. At least, that's what you hoped. You think you'd go crazy if you were forced to live in here forever. It was so cramped and not in a cozy way.

"Just give up, darling. The sooner I know I can trust you, the sooner we'll get you settled into your actual bedroom." The voice assured you. "Aren't you hungry? Don't you want a nice warm meal then to watch something before bed? Don't you want an actual bed with nice, warm blankets and fluffy, soft pillows?"

You did want that. You also wanted some ice for your now aching shoulder. The skin was already becoming discolored, forming what would be a very obvious and painful bruise. But you refused to break that easily. You... you wouldn't right?


"You lasted almost 5 days. I'm impressed darling." You didn't have the energy to do much more than glare at him. Your captor had finally shown himself around the same time you'd lost your will to fight. The water from the sink, while you were assured it was safe, tasted metallic and strange. You hadn't eaten since you were brought here and your body made sure you remembered it. Your shoulder was finally beginning to feel a little better, the mottled purple-blue skin fading away a bit around the edges.

Your captor unlocked the chain around your ankle and gently picked you up, like you weighed nothing. As he carried you down long twisty hallways you closed your eyes, almost falling asleep instantly.

You had broken, but at least you put up a good fight.

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