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A/N: Trigger warning for suicide (NOT READER AND NOT DETAILED)

Your death had been a tragic occurrence. One that had haunted the small town of King's Bend, for years after you'd been found and buried. Your soul ended up bound to the same house you'd been so brutally murdered in, forced to haunt it's walls and hope you were eventually allowed to move on.

You had never bothered any of the potential buyers who toured, never made yourself known at all. You wanted to be forgotten by everyone. There was no point in only being remembered as the teenager who met a terrible fate and who's killer was never caught.

You didn't know who killed you. They'd been wearing a bright red hoodie... at least it had been red by the time they'd finished with you. The only thing you had seen about them were dark hazel eyes that bore into yours as your life had seeped out of your bloodied body.

It seemed the house would finally be sold, probably to someone from out of town who had no idea of the history of what had happened here. You felt kinda bad for them. Who knows how they'd find out and how they'd feel after.

You watched from the small upstairs sitting room as a moving truck pulled up. As much as you hated this house for numerous reasons, it was pretty nice. It had a nice bay window you could watch the world pass from.

The people moving in seem to be a younger couple, both probably mid to late 20s. The woman looks to be bouncing around with excitement and you finally hear her voice as she enters the front door. She's definitely ecstatic. 

"We should put the couch there. That rug from your grandmother's over there. Those big oak bookshelves would look good on that wall!" She rambled on and on, the movers starting to move in the stuff from the truck.

"Daniel, could you get that box from the trunk? I think we should set that up by the bay window." The man, Daniel, smiled and pecked her on the cheek. You watched as he walked out towards the car, flinching as he suddenly stopped and stared up at the bay window. Right at you. Instantly you flinched back, despite knowing there was no way he could see you. No one had ever been able to see you.

You hid yourself away in a small closet when you heard foot steps on the stairs, drawing nearer. You watched Daniel as he entered the room, holding a box. He set it on the dust covered couch. While the house hadn't been fully furnished, there was still some old furniture from ages ago.

He left the box there, returning shortly with some cleaning products. He sprayed down the small coffee table in front of the couch before thoroughly cleaning it off. Then he opens the box. First he takes out a rich emerald green cloth and covers the table with it. Next he starts unwrapping some bubble wrap before withdrawing some picture frames and tall black candles. Next he pulls out a smaller candle, it looks like one of the scented ones your mother used to adore... you hope she's doing alright. 

"Josie? Do you still have that lighter we picked up?" Daniel yells. The girl, Josie you guess, bounds up the stairs and hands over a lighter. Daniel kisses her on the cheek before lighting the candles. The black candles are scentless but the scented candle had a pleasant smell. Both of them stared at the shrine for a minute, looking over the photos, before leaving to unpack. Daniel glances back at the room, scrutinizing every detail, before finally leaving.

That's when you emerge from the closet, thankful that as a ghost, you lacked a physical body to get dusty. You wanted to go back to your bay window, the only place with a nice view of the outside world, but first you looked at the shrine. It made you freeze.

Those pictures, the ones littering the shrine, were all of you. You recognized all of them. There was your school photo from the year you died, one with your friends (who'd been cut out) and one of you at your last birthday before your death. These people, who you'd never seen before, somehow had pictures of you. You felt very uneasy...


"Y/N, we just want to talk to you. We promise we won't hurt you." They were back again. Ever since they'd moved in it had been nonstop with them trying to contact you. Everything from spirit boxes, to motion detectors, to Ouija boards. You were getting sick of it.

You were tired and wanted to move on, not be tormented your entire afterlife. You were hiding in your closet again, trying to will them away from you. When that didn't work you finally lost your patience, storming out of the closet and setting off the nearest motion detector. Maybe if you gave them what they wanted then they'd leave you alone.

"They're here. Thank you for being here with us. This must be hard since it's taken you so long, hm?" Daniel asked. His voice came across as condescending and babying. You instantly pushed their Ouija board's planchette over to 'No'.

"It isn't hard? Then why don't you want to talk to us? We have something for you." Josie said. She still had an excited smile on her face, it never seemed to leave her. You rolled your eyes and pushed the piece again.

'Leave me alone.'

"We can't do that. We're here, talking to you for a reason. Don't you want to hear it?" You didn't answer, waiting for them to speak. Josie was the one who finally started to talk.

"When I was a teenager, I got into a bad fight at my school. It was so bad, my father made us move to this sleepy little town with nothing to do. Everyone at the school treated me like an outsider. I was really depressed and my father saw that. It made him angry." Her words made your eyes widen. You knew exactly what she was talking about, who she was talking about. Josie was probably short for Josephine, the girl who'd moved to town in the middle of eighth grade. You hadn't recognized her.

"One day, I was heading home from afterschool when someone locked me in a supply closet in an empty classroom. When my father found out what happened he flew into a rage. He started to closly watch every person who left school late, trying to figure out who had hurt me." You remembered a black car with tinted windows that was always parked in front of the school when you left after your after school was over, feeling eyes watching you.

"He thought he'd found who did it. He decided he would get revenge for me... but he went too far." You remembered that night. Walking home when someone had hit you over the back of the head, dragging you to a for-sale property in the neighborhood. You remembered those hazel eyes filled with nothing but hatred and rage. You remembered the blood soaked hoodie and the pain. 

Your fingers trembled as you grabbed the planchette, forcing it across the board. All you could spell in that moment was a single word.


"Yes, you. I was devastated. Not only was my beloved father a murderer, but he'd also killed the person I had been working up the courage to ask out. The one person who made that school I despised bearable." Her smile was gone for the first time, her expression full of hatred. 

"Josie, love, you're getting yourself worked up." Daniel said, placing a soothing hand on her back. Before he stared straight at where you were sitting in front of the Ouija board, almost like he could see you.

"You probably don't remember me, but I was in love with you throughout our school years. You only knew me as El, your secret admirer." You also remembered the letters that had shown up in your locker, piling up. Each one sang your praises and held such love and adoration for you. You had found it creepy at the time. What were the odds that both people claiming to be in love with you had gotten married?

"Y/N, we miss you. You made our lives worth living. While we grew to love each other, nothing compares to how we feel about you. That is why... we're going to join you." You listened on in horror.

"We need to see you again. Really see you. Sometimes Daniel gets glimpses, but that's not enough anymore." Josie had her smile back, only now it appeared more insane than anything. 

"We'll be seeing you soon beloved."


You let out a grumpy groan as your space by the bay window was once again invaded without your consent. It had been like this ever since Daniel and Josie had joined you in the afterlife. While it had been a lonely existence, you missed your peace and quiet.

Now, you were doomed to be stuck here, and be smothered in love and affection you didn't want, every day for the rest of eternity.

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