Chapter 11

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Later that afternoon, Emberly was working on dinner. Eight cube steaks, brown gravy, Bourbon glazed carrots, and creamy mashed potatoes. Two steaks, as they were on the small side, for each of them plus two each for leftovers. As she was preparing dinner, Happy came home. He didn't say anything just headed straight for the master bathroom to take a quick shower as he was covered in oil, grease, and gasoline. He intended on talking to her, to apologize for his actions, and even beg for forgiveness if it came down to it. Knowing what he was about to do shocked him as he never begged for forgiveness from anyone before. Or apologize for that matter. He showered and scrubbed hard as he was absolutely filthy from work. Once he was clean, he dried off and redressed in clean clothes. When he emerged from the bedroom, he found she'd set the table for two and was in the kitchen still. Without saying a word, he poured himself a glass of tea then refilled her almost empty glass up for her. Not that the small gesture would make up for his mistake. She started moving pots to the table so he moved to sit at his place and wait for her. Once she had everything at the table, she sat down and made her plate. The pair ate in silence not sure of what to say to one another but knowing there was a deep conversation ahead of them.

After dinner, she put up the leftovers and cleaned up from dinner while he sat in the living room to await her. Her heart was pounding as she left the kitchen to head back into the living room. She'd been playing her game for most of the afternoon and just wanted to get back into it. He cleared his throat making her look over at him.

"Emberly, I'm sorry for what I did. I don't know why I let her seduce me like she did..." He started out.

"I don't know if I can forgive you. I don't like cheaters or liars." She sighed.

"I'm very sorry. I don't know what I can do to make it up to you but I'll try my hardest." He stated.

"I don't know what you can do either, Happy. I can't just forgive you because you say sorry." She sighed again.

"I know. I understand. I just want you to know that I care very deeply about you. I...I love you. It's hard for me to say but I really do." He confessed with a deep sigh of his own.

"I'm not going to kick you out if you're worried about that." She suddenly stated.

"Thank you."

She asked who Ima was and why she looked like she was the cat that got the cream when they were caught that morning. Happy sighed and explained who she was, what she did for a living, and about what she'd done to Opie several years before. The more Emberly heard, the more she disliked this whore. Happy chuckled suddenly and said he liked the way she'd handled Ima that morning and that's how she should always handle the whores around the club. His compliment made her smile and give her hope that they might be able to salvage their relationship. He apologized again for his mistake and told her it would never happen again. She asked him what he wanted out of their relationship. It took him off guard as he sat there thinking about it. After a few minutes, he told her he wanted a companion. Someone who he could come home to and talk about his day. Someone who could keep the home if he went back to prison. Someone he could share his time with. Someone who didn't mind visiting his sick mother in Bakersfield. Listening to what he said made her nod and tell him she could be all those things. Then she told him what she wanted. She wanted a partner in everything. Someone she could geek out with when it came to things she loved. Someone she could come home to and talk about her day. Someone who could stand up to her bully of a brother and not be intimidated by him. Happy promised he could be all those things for her.

They spent the rest of the night talking about their future together, what they wanted, what they didn't want, helping around the house. She wasn't as mad or upset as she had been earlier when she decided to call it an early night. He followed her to bed hoping that things were going to be ok between them. He also knew it was going to take time and that one conversation wasn't going to fix things. She changed for bed then climbed into bed. He stripped down while she was in the bathroom and was already in bed looking for the Adult Swim channel when she emerged. They didn't speak to one another as they went to bed. Although they had a lengthy conversation, she was still hurt by his betrayal and trying to figure out if she could truly forgive him and move on or not. She woke up to her alarm the next morning and sighed. Shutting it off, she climbed out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to take herself a quick shower. He was still asleep by the time she was dressed and ready to make breakfast. Not wanting to really cook, she popped two frozen waffles in the toaster and poured herself a glass of OJ.

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