Chapter 9

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Happy and Emberly played pool the rest of the night. He felt a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. She was officially his 'ol lady, well once he tattooed her at least, and he was moving into her condo soon. As usual, when Emberly was ready to head home for the night, Happy walked her out to her truck. He pulled her into a tight hug and told her she wasn't going to regret her decision to let him ink her. Before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers taking her completely off guard. She stood frozen to the spot as he kissed her until he pulled away. He told her to be careful driving home and to lock her front door as soon as she made it home. She promised she would before climbing into the driver's seat. He watched her leave the lot before turning and heading straight to his dorm room. Not knowing when exactly he'd be moving into her condo, he began packing up everything he could except a few days' worth of clothes and his toiletries.

Wednesday of the following week, Happy texted her asking if it was a good day for him to move in and for him to do her tattoo. He had a design he wanted to show her. It was a very long day and she wound up having to stay at the hospital for an extra shift. It was late evening when she was finally able to get off work. Seeing the missed text from hours ago, she replied with an apology and told him no but that the following day might be better. He was getting anxious as to why he hadn't heard from her. She normally responded right away to his texts. Hearing about her day, however, made him realize why she hadn't responded to him earlier. He hoped the following day would be a good day to move in and start on her tattoo. When she made it home, she called in for Chinese as she was in no mood to cook. As she waited for her food to arrive, she took a quick shower. Her money was already out on the kitchen table. She was very tired after the extremely long day and couldn't wait to have dinner then climb into bed.

Shortly after her shower, her food arrived. Paying the delivery guy, she took her food, then shut and locked the door. Eating quietly in her dining room, she didn't want to think about anything other than seeing the backs of her eyelids. It had been an unusually exhausting day and she had to skip lunch due to an emergency surgery. That didn't help her mood any, either. As soon as she finished eating, she threw her trash away then walked to her bedroom. She plugged her phone in then climbed into bed. Emberly was so tired she didn't bother responding to Happy's texts. It didn't take her long to fall asleep that evening. When she woke up the following morning, she sat up and stretched. After a good night's sleep she felt much better. Before she did anything else, she checked her messages knowing she'd missed some the previous evening.

Happy: how was your day?

Happy: are you ok?

Happy: I guess you went to bed already. Have a good night.

Happy: good morning! I hope you have a better day than you did yesterday. Let me know when a good day to move in. We can talk about doing your tattoo then.

Emberly: sorry about not responding last night. I ate dinner and went straight to bed I was so tired. I'll see how things go after I get off work tonight. We might be able to move you in today if the day isn't as hectic as it was yesterday. You have a good day too!

Happy was thrilled that she seemed to be in a better mood. He hoped today would be the day he was able to move into her condo. To Emberly's relief, the day wasn't as hectic as it had been the previous day. There was one scheduled surgery that morning and all her remaining patients were doing quite well. At least two were about to be discharged, as a matter of fact. When she was having lunch, she sent a text to Happy that she'd be getting off work early and it would be a good time for him to move into her place. As he was having lunch himself, he got her text and smiled to himself. He told her to come by around five pm when he got off work and he'd move his bags into her truck and then follow her home. It worked for both so she quickly agreed. Happy was in a very good mood the rest of the day. Emberly got off work earlier than Happy did so she spent her free time clearing a space in her dresser drawer and closet for him to put his clothes. Once that was done, she went to decide what to make for dinner. It would be his first meal in her home and she wanted to show off some. She opted for making homemade beef enchiladas. It was one of her favorite recipes as she used her mother's recipe to make it and they always turned out amazing.

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