Chapter 7

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After dinner, and all the introductions, the party began. The crow eaters showed up, the music was turned up, and the festivities really began. Gemma sat there and watched Emberly and Happy as she talked with Quinn. Happy seemed to keep a close watch on her as she chatted away with the blond. Tig came over and asked Happy if he wanted to get in the ring. Happy grunted and nodded his head leaving Quinn alone with Emberly. Quinn was asked to join another biker out by the boxing ring so he bid Emberly goodbye leaving her alone for the time being. Christine came over to get to know Emberly and feel out how this new woman fits in with the biker community. They made small talk until they started talking about deeper topics. Emberly was shocked to hear that Christine was a medical coder, worked from home, and made just over sixty-six thousand dollars a year. Although she and Chibs didn't have an extravagant life, they did live comfortably. Emberly nodded in understanding. Cheyenne moved to sit at their table to get to know Emberly a little better. Emberly was surprised to discover that Cheyenne was also a medical coder and they worked for the same company. Christine actually introduced Cheyenne to Opie after she'd been dating Chibs for about a year.

After an hour of chatting, the two women began to warm up to Emberly. The more Emberly chatted with the two women, the more she found she liked them. Maria stayed close to her 'ol man and didn't seem to interact with anyone unless she had to. Nina was up getting her and Bobby another drink and glanced over to see Cheyenne and Christine chatting with this new woman. After she brought their drinks to their table, she wandered back over to chat a little bit with this woman. Emberly smiled up at her as she reintroduced herself. Nina was surprised that she'd been invited to the clubhouse by Gemma and that she was a neurosurgeon at the hospital. Nina found Emberly friendly and easy to talk to. After ten minutes, she decided she liked this new woman. Emberly was surprised to discover Nina was a lawyer and was a partner in her own firm there in town. Nina finally bid her goodbye so she could go back to her 'ol man. Opie wanted to get in the ring so Cheyenne suggested they take their drinks and head out to the boxing ring to watch the fights. Emberly was unsure of what that meant but went along with it as she was having a nice time chatting with the two women.

To Emberly's shock, she found a bunch of bikers around this boxing ring at the side of the clubhouse. Opie was getting ready to get into the ring by taking off his rings, his kutte, and his t-shirt. Cheyenne was cheering him on making him smile at her before he climbed into the ring. Christine explained to Emberly how some of the bikers liked getting into the ring and fighting one another. It made the doctor wonder why they would do that but she wasn't going to ask. Happy was still out there after having already gotten into the ring once. Seeing Emberly standing out there with some of the other 'o ladies, he decided he'd get in the ring again to show off his prowess. Jax was surprised that Happy was getting in the ring again but didn't say anything. Opie's fight ended so Cheyenne excused herself to check on him. Emberly watched in fascination as her new friend flung herself into the bloody and sweaty arms of her 'ol man and kissed him passionately. He quicky redressed and told a scantily clad woman to bring him a beer. The woman scurried off before he leaned down to kiss Cheyenne once more. She headed back to the picnic table they were all sitting on to watch the fights.

Happy glanced over at the table where the women were sitting to see Emberly watching carefully. A crow eater was holding his stuff as he climbed back into the ring. Emberly couldn't take her eyes off him as he dodged hits, struck his opponent with such force as to knock him back on his heels, and generally dominated the fight. After a few minutes, the fight was broken up and the two men hugged before climbing out of the ring. As he was taking his belongings back, he glanced over and caught Emberly's eye. He noted she looked him up and down before looking away from him. He had to smile to himself. Opie had walked over to where his 'ol lady was sitting and was chatting with the women when Happy rolled up.

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