Chapter 5

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By the time Emberly was making her last rounds of the day, there was a different man sitting in Angie's room. He was very tall with long, blond hair, and wearing a beanie. It confused her as to who he was but she didn't think it was her business so she never asked. Most of her patients were sleeping although a couple were trying to watch TV. Both the surgeries she'd performed that day had been completely successful and she expected both patients to make a full recovery. After her rounds, she put in her notes and any orders for tests that needed to be taken care of the following day. She was finally able to clock out and head out to her truck. Happy headed straight to his room to get a hot shower and lay down. He was tired from being up for two days but would never admit it to anyone. He wasn't getting any younger, after all. Tig was less anxious hearing his 'ol lady had come out of the coma, was talking, and the doctor said she was healing quite well. Also hearing she might be released in the next day or so also lifted a great weight off his shoulders. He knew it would be difficult for her to get around and do things with a broken leg and broken wrist. On top of having two fractured ribs.

He'd already secured them a dorm room in the hopes she'd be released soon. The club was working hard at finding out who had run her off the road and making them pay for it. Tig wanted revenge badly. No one hurt his 'ol lady and got away with it! Juice's 'ol lady Maria, Christine, and Gemma were preparing dinner for the compound so Chibs asked him to play some pool while they waited for dinner to be ready. With nothing else to do, and not wanting to think about his injured 'ol lady anymore, Tig agreed. Christine, Maria, and Angie all worked from home. Bobby's 'ol lady, however, didn't and her boss wasn't as understanding as some people in the community. She had to have an escort to and from work each day because she couldn't take off for this lockdown. Maria was a video game tester for a living which delighted Juice to no end. It was what really bonded them together when they first met. Christine was a medical coder and was able to work from home instead of having to be in an office all day. Angie, to everyone's surprise, was a pretty successful mystery and horror writer. Lyla had read several of her books and had to tell everyone how amazing a writer Angie was. The porn star got all the other 'ol ladies to reading Angie's books which always amused both Angie and Tig.

Emberly finished cleaning up after she made herself something to eat, then sat down in her living room with a movie and her laptop. Back in her game she went to relax and have some fun. There were no emergencies that came up that night so she was able to get a full night's sleep. She didn't mind going back to the hospital to check on patients. She knew it was part of the job. When she went in the following day, she found the same long-haired blond sitting with her one patient that was there the previous evening. He smiled at her when she entered the room unlike the bald one who just stared at her. She smiled back before looking over the notes in the chart from the overnight shift. Nothing seemed to change which was a good sign.

"I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new to town?" The blond asked.

"Yes. I just moved here after I graduated college." Emberly replied.

"Oh wow. Congratulations! How are you liking Charming so far?" He inquired.

She had to admit he was much friendlier than the bald one yesterday!

"It seems to be a charming little town. Of course, I haven't seen much other than the hospital, a few stores, and my condo." Emberly chuckled as breakfast was brought in for Angie.

"It's a nice town. I'm told the Charming Gardens are a good place to visit. Not my style but others like it." Quinn chuckled, "I'm Quinn, by the way. Rane Quinn."

"I'm Emberly. Emberly Daniels. It's nice to meet you, Rane." Emberly replied with a smile before turning to her patient, "How are you feeling this morning, Mrs. Trager?"

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