Chapter 4

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Happy sent a text to Jax about the Angie being taken for more tests so that the Prez was in the loop about what was going on at the hospital. Jax relayed what Happy told him to Tig. The SAA began to really fret wondering why they were taking his 'ol lady for more tests. Jax could see how stressed Tig was and told him it was probably a good thing they were running more tests and that he knew she'd come out of the coma soon. Tig wasn't so sure. When Angie was wheeled back into her room over an hour later, the nurse was quick to follow. She had several vials of blood to take as well as taking vitals again. Happy furrowed his brows as he watched several vials of blood being taken from Tig's 'ol lady. Once the bloodwork came back and the MRI was ready to be viewed, Emberly looked over everything. Angie's blood sugar was in normal range which was a good thing. The MRI showed the brain swelling had gone done which was a very good sign. Even the subdural hematoma was getting better. Emberly was very pleased with the progress Angie was making. The nurse told her that the biker in her room should be told of the results making Emberly look at her funny. "He'll let her husband know since he's there to keep watch and get all the updates." the nurse told her. Angie's room was the last room Emberly had to visit on her last rounds before she left for the day.

"What can you tell me about her?" Emberly heard that deep, gravelly voice exclaim.

"I had more bloodwork ran and had another MRI ran. Her blood sugar levels are within normal range which was something I was worried about this morning. The brain swelling has gone down and the subdural hematoma is getting better as well. I'm very optimistic about her recovery." Emberly explained.

"Then why hasn't she come out of the coma?" Happy asked.

"The brain is a miraculous organ. She'll come out of it when her brain has repaired itself enough and when her body is ready to emotionally deal with the trauma of the accident. Like I said, I'm very optimistic of her recovery." Emberly expertly told him.

"I see." Happy stated as he glanced over at Angie.

"We'll take good care of her, I promise you." Emberly tried to reassure him.

"I haven't seen you around here before." Happy stated, getting into interrogation mode.

"I've only been in town a few weeks." She replied.

"Oh?" Happy urged.

"I moved here after I graduated from medical school." Emberly said.

"They have some new kid looking after my brother's 'ol lady!" Happy bellowed.

"Be quiet. The people on this ward need their rest!" She scolded him, "I did seven years of residency, so I have experience with patients. I'm not a kid."

"Hmmph." Happy grunted making her roll her eyes.

Emberly just left the room to put in her notes before leaving for the day. After she left, Happy called Jax to let him know what the doctor had said. The blond biker promised to apprise Tig of the developments. After she'd finished adding in her notes from all of her patients, she was allowed to clock out and go home. It had been a long day but it usually was. On her way home, she couldn't help but think back to the gravelly voiced man in her one patient's room. She didn't seek out confrontation, but she wasn't going to be bullied either. She hadn't appreciated being called a kid or having someone think she couldn't do her job. Not only was she at the top of her class in college, but she had also worked extremely hard to be the best when she did her residency. She took it personally when someone questioned her credentials! By the time she was pulling into her spot, she was shaking her head. There was no reason to let that guy get to her like this. Unlocking her door, she walked in and shut the door behind her. First thing she did was strip down then went to take a steaming hot shower. It eased her muscles some. As she showered, she thought about what to make herself for dinner.

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