Chapter 1

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                Emberly Daniels spent over ten years going to medical school and then doing her residency, which took seven years by itself, afterwards. Her grandparents set up a college fund for her when her parents announced they were having a baby. She strived to be the best she could when she was in high school so she could get into the best medical school she could. With her grandparent's college fund, which they always added money to each birthday and Christmas, she graduated from medical school not only at the top of her class, but with virtually no student debt. Her brother, who was two years older than her, picked on her but also immediately asked to borrow money. She refused making him call her all sorts of names. She'd always been good with money, knowing how to save and bargain shop for items she wanted. He spent money as fast as he got it, had no savings, and frequently had to borrow money from relatives to pay his utility bills, rent, car payments, and car insurance.

After she graduated from college, she began applying to different hospitals so she could move out of her parents house and start her life as an adult with a job of her own. Her parents had bought her a used but well-maintained vehicle for her sixteenth birthday. Just like they had done for her older brother. She chose a nice 2007 Nissan Frontier. Most of her friends had cars but she had gravitated towards the truck. She took very good care of her truck while her brother didn't take care of his car like he should have. It took a few weeks after she sent off her resume to the different hospitals she'd applied at did she finally hear back from one. It was a hospital out of a little town in California. They offered her more than what she thought she'd be getting just starting out from college, a good insurance package, and when she researched the hospital, she found it had a good reputation within the community. She reached out to discuss when she needed to be there and other specifics before she was officially hired. Her mother hated her moving half-way across the country but Emberly was excited to start this new chapter in her life.

It would be strange to be all alone in not only a new city but a new state. She was dying to start working in her chosen field. After thinking about the offer, she decided she was moving to California. She packed up all she owned, rented a Uhaul trailer to hitch to her truck, and prepared for the journey to her new home. She still needed to find a permanent residence but she thought she'd look when she got there. Her mother made her favorite meal that night as it was her last night at home. Her brother, who was over for dinner yet again, had to make fun of her for her choice in her dinner. She loved her mother's enchiladas and Mexican rice and had requested that as her last meal when her mother asked. Her mother tried to dismiss her brother's "teasing" to keep the peace since it was Emberly's last night at home. Her father ignored the whole situation like he always did which irritated Emberly. Her brother had always been mean to her unless he wanted something from her.

Emberly helped her mother clean up from dinner before they sat in the living room to watch a movie or two. She figured she'd leave early in the morning to start the long journey out to California. Around ten, she bid her parents good night and gave them a hug. Her brother made a gagging face as she did, which she didn't notice, making her mother frown at him. Emberly didn't bother to say goodnight to her brother before heading upstairs to her room. She long ago put a lock on her door so her brother couldn't just walk into her room like he used to. She locked her door then stripped down for bed. There was an outfit sitting on top of her last suitcase in her room for when she woke up the next morning. All she had to do was change clothes, put her pajamas in her suitcase, and load her suitcase in the backseat of her truck. Her mother knew when she planned to leave so she got up extra early to make a hearty breakfast, her daughter's favorite, of an omelet and sausage. Emberly thanked her mother for making her favorite breakfast earning a wide smile from the older woman. She was sad her daughter was moving away but understood her desire to do so completely.

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