Chapter 12

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She cleaned up from breakfast and prepared to leave the house to head off to work. He pulled her into his arms and stared into her eyes before telling her to have a good day, to be safe, and that he loved her. She just smiled but said nothing. His heart sunk thinking she might be reconsidering their relationship. He let her go so she could get to work on time. He left a minute or so later and locked up the condo before heading to the garage to get his day started. Gemma had heard about the infidelity and wondered how Emberly was taking it. Happy went somewhere when he left the garage at the end of the day and Gemma was curious as to where he went. Did Emberly kick him out? Were they working through the problem together? Happy's mood was foul when he arrived and didn't want to talk to anyone. There was about an hour before the shop officially opened but he clocked in and started working as soon as he arrived.

That Saturday, Happy rushed home after the workday ended. He asked her if she would go to the clubhouse with him for that night's party. She looked at him for a moment or two before deciding to go. It would be good to chat with her friends and relax after the long work week. He sighed with relief that she agreed before walking to the bathroom to take a shower and clean up. When he was dressed in some clean clothes, they headed to the clubhouse with her riding on the back of his bike like a good 'ol lady. Gemma was almost surprised to see the pair when they arrived. Happy draped his arm over Emberly's shoulder as he walked them into the clubhouse. The Killah wanted everyone to know they were still a strong couple despite their relationship problems. He asked the prospect for a beer while Emberly just wanted a bottle of water. He kissed her cheek before heading to sit with Jax and Quinn. Once Emberly had her water, she went to sit with Angie and Christine. The two women greeted Emberly as she sat down.

They asked how she was making her shrug and tell them. She wanted to work through it but didn't know how or how she could feel like she could trust him again. Angie nodded remembering those feelings as well. Tig's 'ol lady told Emberly about their relationship troubles and how they had overcome the betrayal and trust issues. She reiterated that it wasn't easy and would take time. Angie chuckled and told her to make sure that all the crow eaters and other whores around the club understood that Happy was her 'ol man and that they were still together. Emberly nodded in understanding. Christine asked how work was going so they discussed that for a while. Angie promised she'd bring one of her books the following evening for Emberly to read making the doctor thank her. The women sat around chatting about this and that while the men drank, got into the ring, and played pool. The evening was going good for Emberly until she looked up and noticed a certain blond had arrived. Happy and Tig were playing pool and Ima's eyes zeroed in on Tacoma Killah. She figured if she could seduce him once, she could do it again. Emberly watched with narrowed eyes as the blond bimbo strutted over to her man, put her hand on his lower back and said something to him.

To Happy's credit, he shrugged away from her and told her to leave him alone. "Better go do something, Em." Angie urged her friend. Ima was determined to have Happy again. "I'll teach her not to listen to my warnings!" Emberly huffed making Angie and Christine look at one another. When Emberly approached Ima and Happy, he was yelling at her to leave him alone because he wasn't interested and he had an 'ol lady. Ima was being very persistent which irritated Emberly to no end. Before Ima knew what was happening, Embery was applying pressure to her neck right where her carotid and jugular veins were. It didn't take but a minute or two for Ima to pass out and fall to the floor. The entire clubhouse watched the scene between Happy's 'ol lady and Ima. She asked for Happy's knife and he quickly gave it to her not knowing what she was about to do. The entire clubhouse watched as Emberly carved a giant "W" into Ima's exposed chest. It was deep cut and one that Happy knew was going to scar. When Emberly was done, she handed the bloody knife back to Happy.

"Damn, woman. What's the 'W' for?" Tig asked.

"So she'll always remember she's nothing more than some two-bit whore." Emberly responded making Tig laugh heartily.

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