Chapter 4: The invasion (part II)

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In a whole , different selected woods from each youngsters were being brought up by them, and definitely Crystal and Rudolf approached with theirs , they were walking and discussing together when suddenly Donald ran up to them with heavy breath as if he was chased by someone , confused Crystal asked him" Donny what's wrong why were you running" , both waiting for an answer , he catches his breath and replied "Guys listen I saw something crazy " , Rudolf crosses his arm and asked him "Ohh really and what was that you saw" ,Donald without hesitation he said" Guys I saw this creature when I was picking up dry woods , it was a very short and kinda looked like a dwarf but it was pale and it had sharp looking teeth and long ears , who knows there might be more of them out here like I don't think we're safe out here guys" , after what he just said , Rudolf couldn't help but put one of his hand his head and shake it slowly , Crystal walked up to him, she put her hands on his shoulders and said to him with pity eyes" Donny , I understand no we understand that you are always caught up in this kind of stuff but seriously you need help and we are all here for you" confused he said and asked"Help?? What do you mea........
woah wait a minute you both don't believe me?"Rudolf answered him "Donny of course we don't believe you , blurting them out wasn't enough and now you're making things up , dwarf pale creature , ohh common " he pushed off Crystal's hands off of him and replied angrily "Fine then , you know what I can't mingle with people who think I'm just making stuff up, and it hurts to see those who you hold dear find you crazy, they are real those creatures and believe it or not they will come , I'm tired of all this , I won't say anything anymore but just know I will always stand firm to what I just say" he told them and angrily walks Off Crystal tries to stop him but it was no use.

Crystal was now sad and wants to find a way to help him cause she cares a lot about him , she faced Rudolf and said to him "Rudy let's go see my dad about Donny I'm really scared , he might go crazy and he's too young for that " Rudolf replied "Yeah you're right Crysti let's do that before things get out of hand" , both agreed and decided to go meet Harris about Donald.

In the deep ice cold forest that dwarf creature was a hundred percent real in fact it was still running , running with speed , he wasn't running away from something nor someone he was running directing to a person as if he had something to deliver , the person seemed peculiar but this one was tall , white skinned , with dark hair and two sharp teeth among the others one could see clearly, he wore a dark cloak with this black suit that blows through as the cold breeze hits it , he looked serous and the kind that shows don't mess with him.
The dwarf creature approaches him , he grinned knowing only new and good information would make it run up to him like that, the creature looked up to him and opened it's dry lips and out came a small shrill and cracked voice"Master, master I have some news " , The tall looking guy stroked his chin with his fingers, he replied "Hmmmmm, and what's that my little messenger" , immediately it said "Master , you have intruders in your land , I saw a whole bunch of them arrived and they even started staying there , one of them tried attacking me but good thing I was fast" , the tall guy puffed still stroking his chin "Ohh that's very interesting , seemed hunting would be much easier today , I'll gather the others and you'll take us to these intruders who dare enter my land" , the creature bowed letting out a shrill "Yes master", the tall guy grinned once more and called out to the others and the dwarf creature was at front leading them to the so called *INTRUDERS*

Back at the small community , Crystal and Donald made their way to Harris , in a tent they all seated , which both Crystal and Donald told him about Donald and Crystal added"Dad I'm seriously worried about him , I don't want anyone to think he has lost him mind , he's our friend and we don't want anything bad to happen to him" Harris hummed and he responded"You know what I'll confront his parents let us discuss on how we can help him " , Donald added"Mr Stakewood that would be good , the earlier the better" before Harris could reply someone out of the blue came to him with a message"Sir, Sir, strange men are coming from a distance ", all of them with a confused expression decided to go and check what the person just said , it was snowing a bit outside but still it was clear dark tall men like figures were coming their way , everyone slowly gathered to see what was going on, then suddenly a little child pointed out asking " Hey who are those people and why are they coming here?" Harris who was still confused replied the child"I don't know who they are but I'll find out what they want " he said with hope that he can , both Crystal and Donald looked at each other wondering too who were those people.

It didn't take long for them to find out, the tall looking men stood face to face with them , all of the people were stunned by how they looked , yes they looked like humans but something about them felt strange , sooner the tall guy from earlier and his dwarf messenger which Donald had seen earlier , everyone were shocked to see the creature it was something they've never seen before , Donald was out too, seeing a lot of people outside , there was a book in his hand the one about creatures he was reading in his tent , he passed a few people to see what they were staring at , then he gasped and pointed "That's it , that's the creature I saw earlier today, I knew I wasn't making things up ", and no one , no one could speak nor reply seemed all along Donald had been right??
Well the silence was broken soon when the tall looking guy spoke"My little messenger told me I have trespassers in my land and we are know trespassing in someone else's land is a crime" Harris boldly replied with that same confused expression "Excuse me but I'm the leader of this community , I led us hear and this is a free low land we didn't see any sign or anything showing its yours and please tell me who are you to say that" The tall guy chuckled and replied "Well I am Vincent Von Vladimir son to King Vladimir of the ancient, we owned these lands for a very long time and what we hate most are people who want to ruin our piece , we are very powerful and messing with us should be the last thing you do", Harris replied with a firm voice " Listen I don't care how powerful you think you are , we are not going anywhere just because you say so" , he laughed out , and said"Well fella, big mistake , and you want to know how powerful we are , I'll gladly show you an example",he made what look like a sign to one of the men who with lightning speed grabbed one of Harris people , holding tight and raising the person up which cause a strangling reaction , it's like a had super strength which no normal human being has .

Everyone was startled by this sight especially Harris he quickly shouted"Please stop put him down , what are you guys?" , with the same sign movement the guy put the person down which the person gasped for breath on the ground , the person was helped up by few persons , Vincent the tall guy chuckled proudly before he could answer , Donald knew what they were cause of the way looked , dressed and plus one of them super strength he blurted out "I know what they are and this might sound crazy but they're not humans , they are ......... Vampires , I read about them in my book" , again people were still stunned , Harris couldn't believe what he was hearing cause this isn't a fairy tail this was real life but before he could think straight Vincent replied "Such a smart little fellow there well his right we are vampires and not the kind one " he raises his hands in pride supporting what Donald had called them ,Crystal was in shock mode she couldn't speak knowing this is not a dream and it's definitely happening and same for Rudolf ............

To be continued

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