Chapter 3 :The invasion (part I)

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It has been nearly three to four days and everyone were living normally , the cold was indeed much but it did not stop them from trying to live up.
It was time for youngsters to help gather fire woods to make fire , each of them in groups to contribute and find as much as they can , of course Crystal insisted to help too and her dad told her to be careful.

Crystal catches up with Rudolf and both went together and on their way they saw Donald , they waved at him but he didn't respond and instead snubbed them cause somehow he was mad at them for not truly believing him , Rudolf with a confused expression said" Gosh what is his problem?, he has no right to be mad at us we're his friends and knows what's best for him and those crappy believes need to stop " Crystal replied "Rudy let's just give him time by him self we'll confront him after the search , its kind of not easy for him though " He sighed and both continued to look for woods.

Feeling down and tired of being called crazy for his believes Donald strolled along , alone thinking if maybe he should stop cause he hated being called what people always describes him with, frustrated he manages and picks up some dried woods in his arms , suddenly he felt this cold feeling and not the kind you feel when your freezing but the kind you feel like when someone is watching you , he looks around and sees only snow and dried flower trees and for a second almost brushes it off then he heard foot steps behind few of the trees, looking confused he asked "He..hello! Who's out there?" , but there was no response, again he heard the steps, he drops the woods from his arm and slowly approaches the tree he felt like something or someone was hiding there , reaching slowly he was all of a sudden jump scared by a strange *CREATURE*, this was not a bear nor a wolf but a dwarf-looking , pale , antihuman looking creature with long sharp ears and pointed abnormal brown set of teeth.
Donald was not dreaming of course this was real and he wasn't imagining things too cause this was so clear , frightened by this thing he was looking at he jolted back and eventually landed on his bottom , the dwarf creature looked angry just by seeing the sight of Donald and started approaching him , he became more frightened but took the courage and grabbed one of the dried woods from the ground , with trembling hands he pointed them at the creature "Hee..he...hey , stay b....back , I have a weeapon and I'm not afraid to u..use it"for some reason his defensive mode kind of work the creature seemed threatened by it and it turned back around and started running , immediately Donald got up with the wood in his hand and chased the creature but he was no way able to catch up to it , it ran very fast .
Donald was soon out of breath and he stopped , he was breathing heavily and he realized that he wasn't indeed crazy and what he saw wasn't at all fake which means all along he was right strange creatures like what he had seen did really exit in this place , it was all too much to keep to himself so Donald decided to tell everyone what he had seen today , quickly he carried the woods he had picked in his arms and rushed back with hope they would believe him.


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