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Ah It's that time after the wedding where you two love birds go and Spend time with each other.
You two have been married for two years now and haven't had a honeymoon yet due to saving up for a house with each other, You and Mully thought to go to Germany, Berlin for your big honeymoon, as you were half German.
"Do you think your family will like me?" Mully asks with a shy tone, "Of course!" you didn't seem too sure of yourself, as the last husband you had.... didn't go so well.
Mully grabs onto your hand gently, holding it with passion as you two aboard the plane.
You two find your seats and Relax until getting there, as soon as you two arrived your nerves go through the roof.
"darling, do any of your family members speak english?"
you looked at him with a 0-0 look,
He yells and laughs, "I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you on the plane baby" you chuckled lightly, you two hopt off the plane, as soon as you stept foot inside the airport you heard a faint yell of your name "Y/N!!" you turn your head to see a whole group of people, but the person who stood out the most was....

Hey guys! hope you have been well, I'm super sorry for not updating, I hope this little short but helps.
My writings improved a little, I just hope I get better overtime.
Anyway, Have a good night, day, morning or afternoon!
Love yah weirdos!

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