part 15 (Special)

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You and Mully wake up at the exact same time, your eyes, as dull as ever. Mully yawns and looks at you sleepily, he smiles and kisses your forehead gently.
You wrap your legs around his waist, not wanting him to leave you.
He smiles and pulls you closer in by the waist, "I'm not going anyway.." he says sweetly into your ear before resting his face on your shoulder. You guys stay like that for another 15 minutes before finally deciding to get up and go get dressed.
You tell mully you wanted to go take a shower, he said alright and you walked to the bathroom where you took a shower.
You walked out of the bathroom and saw Mully sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you, "Oh your back, finally" he says smiling, you were standing there in a towel with your hair soaking wet.You smiled and walked to your wardrobe and grabbed out some clothes (Whatever clothes you like :D) and layed them out on the bed. "those will look sexy on you" he smirked and looked at you, your face as red as a tomato, you slowly dropped the towel onto the ground. You were completely nude In front of him.
His eyes widened since this was the first time seeing you like this.His eyes travelled up and down your body, scanning all the beauty.
You felt a little insecure about some parts of your body, so you put on a bra and matching panties.
He grabs you by the waist and pulls you into his body. You, shocked and worried he didn't like what you looked like, he chuckled and kissed your cheek.
"where are you insecure babe?" He asks gently, you touch your belly and looks into his eyes tearing up, he realizes and picks you up, laying you down on the bed, him in-between your legs, and leans down to your belly (where you are insecure) and begins kissing it, making sure you know he loves every inch of your insecure spots, every inch of your body you hate and love.
He kisses all over and says "I love every piece of you" and looks at you, you were smiling and giggling to the soft tickle kisses he was doing.
(You had stretch marks on parts of your belly)
After he reassured you, you felt loved and special. He got up and pulled you up with him, you got dressed and you both went for a walk after you guys had breakfast.
You went to this beautiful spot up on a hill with a view of the city, you stood there and looked to the side realizing Mully wasn't there "Mully?" You say before turning around. Your eyes open wide and tearing up in happiness, Seeing Mully on one knee with the boys and there partners behind him "Y/N, will you Marry me?" He says opening up the ring box, inside was a dimond ring with small tiny diamonds around the big one in the box.
You stood there shocked, seconds later you screamed "yes!!" He smiled brightly and stood up, picking you up and spinning you around in his arms, kissing you in the mix of it all. He put you down and put the ring on your finger, you cried happily, Eddie came up to you and hugged you "Congrats man" you smiled and laughed still crieing happily.
You two were engaged and happy, next thing you knew, you were going to get married with Mully.

Hey pebbles, this one was a special one because well, you guys know.
Sorry I haven't been updating this book, I have been really busy with school and medical school right after my normal school, and that goes on till 9, so I only have an hour break between school and Medical school.
Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter will be getting married so If you have any suggestions on that, I'd love some! Have an awesome day,night,arvo or morning! Buh byeeeeee

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