~part 2~

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I wake up with mully in no sight of my vision. I sit up and rub my head,yawning "damn....WAIT NO THE HORROR THINGY UGH" I jump out of Mullys bed and rush into the dining room were I see Mully, Narrator, Eddie, Juicy and Josh sitting there looking at me with conserned looks on there faces "Oh you little shit." I walk over to the boys and jump onto Mully, he chuckles and ruffles my hair up. " soo we are still going to the asylum orr?" I look at Eddie and smile before sitting down next to Narrator "Yeah dawg! The mexosist is in store!" Eddie replied, Silence filled the room with each of us looking at each other "Im most likely gonna shit my pants" Juicy said laughing. "Yeah Im not that scared but im pretty close" Narrator said with a tone of confidence, I look at Josh then back and Mully. I think to myself "damn I wonder if we will be okay, i mean its a pretty hauntef asylum.." I kept on over thinking scenarios in my mind freaking myself even more than I was before, "Y/N?!" I look up to see everyone staring at me "hah?! Oh uh yeah?" I chuckle nervously and stand up "are you sure you wanna go with us?" Josh said a little conserned "fuck yeah! I aint missing this shit for anything, well unless you boys are scared~" I quickly grab my camrea and shit and run out of the house and into the car, sitting in the middle of the back seat. "Oh they are a little shit." Juicy said while walking out of the house and getting into the passengers side of the car. Josh, Eddie and Narrator walk out of the house laughing and talking, Narrator sat on the left of me and Eddie sat of the right. Josh sat in the very back, the two sears behind us. And finaly Mully grabbed his things, locked his house up and then got into the car.Mully was the one driving us here, He started the car up and began to drive, we drove off for five hours stopping a lot to get drinks and bathroom breaks. We finaly get to out destination, we step out of the car and the first thing we see is a big cross in the front of us. Me and Eddie looked at eachother and cracked up laughing "whats up with them?" Josh said being the confused little boy he is. "I would usualy know, yet I dont " Narrator replies, Eddie and me finaly stop laughing after a whole minute, "okay we can go hehe" I giggle and walk towards where the main lady is (the lady with all the info about the place). The lady tells us all about the mental and physco stuff the doctors and such did in this place, the lady leaves us to begin recording the vlog. "Okay begining in 3.2.1 now" Josh said before hittig record "what is up everyone, me and the boys are going spooky tonight~ we are going into a suposed haunted asylum!" I say to the camrea trying to sound like im not scared "we are gonna shit our pants" Juicy said smiling "whats with you and shitting your pants man?" Mully said chuckling. I blush at Mully and laugh "alright then lets get to it!" We begin to record all the spooky stuff thats happening getting scared at every part. "Alright this is the morgue, this is where people get cut up and shit" Narrator said walking in. When we all walked in the only smell you smell is death itself, "Mully get in the freezer." Narrator said with a deep toned voice "Holly shit Narrator are you gonna put him in it and not let him out because jesus your voice went deep" I say nervously but in a joking tone. Narrator laughed for a second then stopped and looked at us with a straight face, we all laughed and go Mully to lye down of the flat, cold tray "Mully..you do relise millions of people were on this try dead right?" Mully looked at me then tried to get up but we pushed him back down and pushes him in the freezer. "Y/N you should join him~" juciy said in a teasy tone. I nodded and lyed flat on the tray gettig pushed in " oh hello Y/N" Mully looked at me and smirked "where gonna makeout in here arnt we?~" Mully saif jokingly. I begin to yell "HE'S GONNA FUCK ME! GET ME OUTTTT" mully was denying in, Eddie finally pulled me and Muly out and I quickly jumped off the table and hid behind Narrator. "Haha next is the womans place" Narrator said walking over to the Womans house "right!" I said running over with the boys following "now this is where james is suposed to be seen" Narrator said walking in, we all looked at eachother confused "James?"...

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