Chapter Fourteen

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Klaus was helped over to the "sofa" and he sat and drank his smoothie happily. Cosmina sat down next to him also happy, but for her it was because she now knew Klaus will drink the smoothies she makes after a vision. She suddenly goes into another vision seeing police cadets being told about a murder that happened because one of them had found it. She recognizes one of them to be Diego and recognizes the injuries of who she is looking at. She snapped out of it to see Klaus had stopped drinking and now looking at her in concern. She turned around to see Ben, Lila, and Sloane watching them and she motioned with her eyes to the hall that led to their rooms.

Cosmina turned back to Klaus who was still watching her, "I think you should tell the police captain you've been helping him," she said.

Klaus' eyebrows raise, "Why do I need to tell Police Boss I've been helping him?"

"Because Diego is involved in the case," Cosmina told him.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but he's a baby police officer, why is he knowing about the stabby-stabs?" Klaus asked, his headache suddenly back as he turned back to his smoothie.

"Because a police cadet found the stabby-stab so he's giving them a shot at it. If the captain knows it's you, it can be a chance for Diego to prove himself if he's given hints. Did you see who did it?"

"Mhmm," Klaus hummed.

"So do you think you could give some hints?" Cosmina asked.

"Mhmm," Klaus hummed again.

"You already know the other reason why I'm asking?" Cosmina asked.

"Mhmm," Klaus now hummed with a small smile. She was asking because of the way they were going to get an income other than relying on Cosmina winning bets.

"Would you be even happier that I believe I found the perfect property near here?" Cosmina asked, smiling slightly when Klaus turned back.

"You did?" he asked.

"Mhmm, and I can see your work area in the back, full of pinks and blacks. It's dark enough for your headaches, but bright enough for a window with some pink curtains," she listed off, smiling as Klaus decided to lay down in her lap and listen. He stayed wide awake knowing he likely had a concussion and knew from past experience that he needed to stay awake. He had trained himself to pretend to sleep when he had a concussion so Reginald wouldn't suspect him. "You have CBD products hidden for you and a music listening area when you need to refresh yourself," Cosmina added, bringing Klaus out of his thoughts. He appreciated that needing to clear his mind was being taken into account. He always had nightmares and was constantly stressed because of his gift, but now having Mina who shared similar side-effects, he was glad she had found him.

"What about yours?" Klaus mumbled.

"Mine is red and black, it's next to yours and also a closed in room. Both of our rooms will have fun patterns we can change out. I know we both don't like things to stay the same, wanting to change it up. I have a small area for my cards and candles. You'll have some candles if you want a little bit of light. We'll have a waiting room that's going to be distanced from your room. Lila, if she needs to step in, will have a room next yours incase she's filling in for you. She hasn't fully copied your ghost seeing ability when you're sober, but I don't want to overwhelm her. Ben and Sloane will work in the front in their own area. Sloane will be the nice one and Ben will be the grumpy one," Klaus snorted, "Lila will do damage control if a ghost gets too impatient and if it decides to possess someone, we've got Ben, but then they gotta sign something saying they will not reveal Ben is alive. We'll only be open three days a week to give us some rest. You can help ghosts move on and I'll be in the other room do my thing. And we don't have to worry about money cause of the bets," Cosmina finished.

"I like it," Klaus said with a smile.

"And I hope that this way, you can ease back into using your ability and not be so scared of it," Mina added, looking down at him with a soft smile. Klaus smiled softly back as he typically did feel useless with his gift because he was so scared of it.

"I'll send a note," Klaus told her.

"Tell him to bring Eudora Patch too," Cosmina added with her secret smile.

"Is Diego getting a special someone?" Klaus asked.

"If we can keep him in place and not make him seem like an arrogant dick, then yes he will," Mina added.

"What's Diego doing?" Ben asked, coming out.

"Going off on his own for his own crimes. If he proves himself and knows Klaus can be an ally sometimes, then the chief will give him separate jobs cause of his ability. He needs to work on his ability of controlling metal though," Cosmina added.

"So he can control metal?" Klaus asked, "I was right?"

"Mhmm," Cosmina answered. She was playing with the curls of his hair, but noticed he was starting to fall asleep so she stopped, making him pout.

"How exactly do you know that?" Sloane asked, also coming out. She had heard and read stories of the Umbrella Academy especially after meeting two members and all she knew about Diego was he couldn't miss his shot.

"He apparently did it when he was younger. I guess it was during training when Reginald was finding out abilities that he controlled the bullets. When I got near Reginald, I slowed down time to look at his past and found that book he writes in about your abilities. That's why I got that house set up for Vanya. Reginald knew Vanya had a dangerous ability, si he gave them those meds. It was to suppress the gifts, which is why I got Klaus to teach her meditation. Klaus, on the other hand, really fooled Reginald because his immortality, the ability to feel what a ghost felt, and being able to float were not written in it," Cosmina explained.

"Wait, there are a few women that roam the academy..." Klaus trailed off, "They always looked fearful of Vanya."

"Mom is a robot..." Ben trailed off.

"Oh, you think a young Vanya may have killed them and that's why Reginald made that medication?" Lila questioned. No one said anything, letting that sink in. It was clear to them that they could not tell Vanya about it. Soon, Klaus got up and wrote his letter.

(Please check if I've already said when I'm going to update anything before asking when I'll update)

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