Chapter Six

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Over the next few months, Klaus observed Ben's improvement on working with his tentacles. Ben was finally able to make things move on his own and was starting to push things with his tentacles. It made Klaus ecstatic and congratulate Ben on his improvement. Ben smiled in return, his own depressed nature becoming happier in general.

On September 1st, 2008, Ben walked into Klaus' room to see Klaus celebrating while holding a letter. "We're getting out of here in a month," Klaus said with wide eyes, managing to actually grab Ben by the shoulders and shoved the letter in his face. To anybody else they would've thought it weird seeing the floating paper, they wouldn't see Ben's wide eyes as he saw the words 'We'll see you and Seafood in a month—Cosmina & Lila.'

Ben stared at the letter in shock while Klaus was still jumping around celebrating like a child on a sugar rush, but still being quiet so eh didn't attract Reginald, Grace, or Pogo's attention. Ben knew the one thing preventing the two from showing up was him; he needed to work with his tentacles. He didn't know why the three of them wanted him to work with them, he knew Klaus had a plan, but surprisingly he was good at keeping secrets as he has learned. Ben felt...accomplished. He wasn't rushed into learning, he could see Klaus' desperation to leave this place, but he never rushed Ben to work with the being in his stomach like Reginald did. Klaus would give him advice and so would Cosmina and Lila, and he followed that advice. The three knew what they were talking about, Reginald did not. "Why do they call me Seafood?" he suddenly asked.

"They wanted to call you Kraken but that's Diego, so you're stuck with Seafood," Klaus said. There had also been a debate on Hydra, but they were Marvel fans, it wasn't going to happen.

The day before their birthday, Ben had noticed the envelope that would Klaus' and sometimes his own letter was a bit thicker that time. He pointed it out to Klaus, but he simply just smiles and ays nothing. Well, Klaus couldn't actually say anything, everyone else was also out there. Klaus was keeping up his act of being high and would just be staring dreamily at everything but Diego went over to talk to him eventually. The two were making idle chit chat when Klaus randomly says, "I'm dropping something off in Vanya's and your rooms during the glitch, please don't throw a knife at me, those don't feel good," Diego just looks at him surprised and a bit worried, but nods. He knew Klaus would know what a stabbing felt like, but he was worried about Reginald catching him.

"What do you want to do when you get out of here?" Klaus asks Diego.

Diego thought about it for a second before saying, "I would like to join the police academy." Klaus had just nodded and looked like he was thinking of something. To Ben, time had frozen again and a hooded woman with fiery braids walked in, waved to Ben, and left a new letter in Klaus pocket. When time unfroze, Ben informed Klaus of the new letter making him discreetly nod.

Klaus made a few different letters, when he has some alone time, he was also packing. During the last few glitches, he had Ben keep a look out while Klaus was in Ben's room. He had been discreetly packing up some of Ben's favorite clothing and items, he knew Reginald didn't go in there; the only problem would be Grace. Klaus pulls out the other letters and turned to Ben as the glitch starts, "Same as before, look out for anyone," he said.

Ben left and came back a minute later, "You're clear to Diego," he said. Klaus had told him that he needed to stop by Diego's and Vanya's before going to Ben's again. Klaus hurried down quietly to Diego's, opening the door very quickly, leaving the letters on the floor, and leaving all within ten seconds as Diego stared at the door in surprise. "Am I clear?" he could hear Klaus whisper to someone as he moved to get the letters. Vanya was then startled by their door almost slamming open and Klaus throwing something on the door before leaving. Klaus had been risking it knowing Vanya was most likely meditating at the moment, but he was glad the letter still slid in the room and wasn't thrown out by the partial sound wave that went through the room.

Ben nods for Klaus to go again and he watched as Klaus hurries into Ben's room, grabbing a bag he had hidden, running into his own room and throwing items into his own bag along with a prepacked one, "We're out of here," he said and they hurried out the door, giant smiles on their faces.

Diego's jaw dropped reading his letter,

'Ooooooh Diego, you will not believe what I did. I have a few itty bitty connections and did a few things. One connection is with the police chief, he doesn't know who I am, he might after this, but he owes me a few favors for helping with a few cases, new and cold. You now have a place in the police academy. You also have five thousand dollars to get everything set up for you. Good luck, I'm out of here—Klaus

P.S. There is a glitch in the cameras at exactly 10 p.m. and it lasts until 10:30, get out while you can. Also, Ben says Hi'

There was a picture of Klaus, he was holding a hand up and it was glowing, behind him in the picture, to Diego's shock, was Ben. Ben was waving in the picture and apparently so was one of his tentacles. He opened the other letter to see his acceptance into the academy. He also found Klaus' phone number and Vanya's, he had gotten them both phones too. Diego looked back at the clock to see it was 10:10 pm and he hurried to pack his clothes.

Vanya, after a second picked up the letter.

'Vanya, Vanya, Vanya, I did a few things Vanya. There is some money for you, $5,000 for you. I may or may not have sent a video of you practicing into an orchestra for try outs. You get to start training with the violin professionally. The money is for a specific house a friend of mine found for you. It has very sturdy walls to help with your sound waves, but yes you do need to be careful. Follow this other address so you can practice. Good luck, I'm out—Klaus

P.S. The glitch is still active tonight but won't be tomorrow. Get out while you can. Also, Ben says Hi'

Vanya found their money, acceptance letter, the same picture of Klaus with Ben in it, and Diego and Klaus' phone number. They packed up their items and clothing as quickly as they could and quietly ran out the door, startled to see Diego doing the same thing. They both pointed at each other, "Klaus?" they both asked.

"Yeah," they both responded. They nodded and heard heels clicking, and hurried out the door, seeing something on the ground.

Vanya pulled up the new note, 'You two have new cars, don't ruin them—Klaus' friend,' it read. They both got there correct keys, "Did he mention Ben to you?" Vanya suddenly asked.

"Yeah," Diego responded, "Why did he never mention him?"

Vanya then turned the card over, seeing more words, 'I hope you destroyed those notes Klaus left you. About Ben, you two never asked if Ben was there. Hopefully he won't be so invisible soon,' the note said. Vanya and Diego looked confused before they got into their own cars. It was true, they never did ask, but what did it mean about Ben not being so invisible?

Five minutes before, Klaus was hurrying out the door, "Klausy!" he heard and turned to find the owner of the familiar voice. He turned to find a woman with dreadlocks, the color of flames, she wore dark make up with a black form fitting tank top and pants. Behind her was a darker skinned woman with more modest black clothing on. It was Cosmina and Lila! "Mina! Lila!" Klaus ran towards Cosmina who excitedly held her arms out and they both collided with each other, hugging each other tightly. They stayed like that for a minute before Klaus pulled Lila into the hug too. "Let's go, come on Ben!" Klaus said, getting in the car before Diego and Vanya could even see them.

(A/N: Okay, before I update next time, I will be starting school again. Please stop asking for updates, there won't be as many for now because I will be concentrating on classes)

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