Chapter Nine

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The group of four drove down to a McDonald's. Ben was still looking around in amazement and touching whatever he could. Then he ordered four burgers and ate them within five minutes while the other three looked at him in surprise. The worker had been surprised to find that they ordered ten burgers, all being drained and needed food. Eating four burgers in five minutes was just surprising. Ben paused, noticing the surprised looks, "I'm still hungry," he sheepishly admitted.

"Well, you're eating for two, I wouldn't be surprised," Lila sassed, starting the car to go back into the drive-thru, "Hi, us again," she said, and then turned to Ben, "What do you want?"

"Four double cheeseburgers, large fries, a chocolate sundae, and twenty chicken nuggets," Ben immediately said.

"CHICKY NUGGIES!" Mina and Klaus cheered in the back.

Lila, sighing, having to deal three children, "What he said and two more things of chicky—chicken nuggets," she said. As they drove forward, Lila mimicked Ben's ability and sent a tentacle out to smack the grins off of Mina and Klaus' faces. Ben looked at her with wide eyes, "We'll explain later," she said.

Mina and Klaus had requested to stop by a mini mart and Ben asked, "Can you tell me now?"

"Were you told we were born on the same day?" Ben nods, "Everyone suddenly born on that day all have abilities. I have the ability to mimic. I can mimic your abilities but not have tentacles with a personality. That was how I was able to see you as a ghost, I copied Klaus. I could get though when time freezes because I mimicked Cosmina. Reach out an open the back door," she said. Ben opened the back door and heard, "START THE CAR!" from Klaus and he and Mina came out with snacks and dove into the car.

"Did you two steal?" Ben asked with a frown.

"Of course we did Benny," Cosmina said.

"We got the munchies, the chicky nuggies didn't help," Klaus adds.

Cosmina held up something between Lila and Klaus, "I got Slim Jim," and Lila snatched it. They drove a bit longer, Ben also taking a Slim Jim, having never tried one before and ended up back at Cosmina and Lila's house. As they stepped out of the car, Cosmina gasped catching the attention of the others as she froze. "Guide her in, I'll get the paper," Lila told Klaus, taking notice of the gold tint in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Ben asked.

"It's part of her ability. Help me get her in," Klaus said. The brothers gently moved Cosmina in. Ben found it odd that even though she was in a trance, she was still walking on her own to where they were guiding her. Lila put a notebook pad on Cosmina's lap and put a pencil in her hand and Ben's eyes widened as she started drawing.

"Cosmina has the ability to see time," Lila started explaining. Klaus was staying in front of Cosmina, sitting on the coffee table. "She has visions about the future and past. She can see outcomes of decisions. She had seen me as child and knew what path I would lead if she hadn't been there. She can reverse or forward things. I was there when she found that out, we have found a moldy apple and she willed it to go back to the time that it was fresh and it was brand new. She sees certain people that play a role in things to come and she draws those people or events she sees. She cannot travel in time but she can freeze time, as you know, and she can rewind a time to see what had happened kinda like rewinding a video," Lila explained.

"It's like an illusion," Klaus had started, watching the girl Cosmina was sketching, "When she sees an event. She can show it to multiple people or see it for herself. She could show us what we were doing before we left to dig you up if she pleased," he explained, trying to keep Cosmina steady. She had started swaying as she drew these swirls around the woman's hands on the drawing. It looked as if the girl was flying.

"Klaus can do something similar involving the drawing," Lila mentioned, "That's how he knows what to do," she told Ben as Cosmina came out of it and Klaus gently took the notebook pad away and laid her down.

"You do?" Ben questioned his brother, giving Cosmina an apologetic look when she flinched from the noise.

Klaus came back in with Cosmina's pain meds and handed her one and some water. "Sometimes I get an image of who killed someone because the ghost would've seen them. My notebook was smaller so I could hide it easier. I'd send the sketch off to the police along with the name of the victim and whatever else I knew," he explained.

Ben thought for a second, "Was that how you got Diego into the police academy?"

"Yes, and he better not fuck it up," Klaus replies. He looks back down at the picture, "Now, who is this?"

"One of us," Cosmina mumbles before drifting off to sleep.

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