Chapter One

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Ben had appeared next to his brother Klaus, having just been summoned by him. He agreed to stay with his brother, not mentioning that he was actually afraid to go into the light. He followed his brother, who also was keeping the real reason why he had summoned Ben a secret. Ben was surprised that his brother had stayed outside, waiting for their siblings and father to enter the building while they stayed out. "Klaus?" he questioned, wondering what was wrong with his brother. Was he high? Well, he was holding a joint. Was something going on with his powers? But all Klaus did was go over to a farther away tree that nobody really noticed and climb up. Ben appeared next to his brother on the tree and saw there was a note on one of the branches. "What is that?" Ben asked.

"A note," Klaus replied as if Ben was stupid.

"Why is there a note in the tree and why do you know where it is?" Ben questioned in disbelief. Klaus didn't answer and simply read the note; he had been sad, but happy there was a note.

'My dear Klausy, I'm sorry about Ben. If I could hug you I would, and just let you mourn, but I know he is with you. I have another task for you, it will have great rewards if my theory is correct. If Ben can still summon the "Beast" make him gain a connection with it. If Ben makes this connection, I will be right outside waiting on our eighteenth birthday. Please imagine Reggie's head on a platter, I know I am.

Love, Cosmina.

P.S. Have another joint for me.'

The note read. Klaus had looked up at Ben, who was still looking at him, waiting for an answer, and looked closer. He could see a second soul, Ben still had the Beast with him.

Klaus was about to say something before he heard, "Number Four! Inside!" and Klaus went inside, not answering his brother. Ben didn't ask again, but was surprised that Klaus wouldn't talk about the note. He had absolutely refused for Ben to see the note, and Ben didn't know why. He watched as none of siblings had approached Klaus, all going towards each other in there downtime. But, to Ben's surprise, Klaus went to talk to Vanya who had been watching the siblings and pulled out his second joint, the one that Cosmina allowed. Ben didn't know that one of the other notes he had gotten was another task, one to pay attention to Vanya. Number Seven had isolated for a reason, at least that's what Cosmina had pointed out. Klaus had figured out the rest, he noticed the numbers they were given were reversed. Ben was much more powerful then Luther, which would mean Vanya should be the most powerful so he found it a little suspicious that Vanya had to take those pills suppressing their mood.

Ben followed his brother throughout the rest of the day, realizing his brother is different than how he thought he was and he wanted to voice his opinion but kept quiet. When it hit nine thirty at night, Klaus wrote back a note,

'My dear Mina, Ben has been with me. I can see that he still has the Beast with him. I will let him adjust first before bringing it up. I'm being ignored like usual, boo, hate it, can't stand it. Being thought of as a druggie, can't stand it either. Wanting to punch dad in the face? All the time. Head on a platter? Good choice. Enjoyed the second joint though. Can't wait for the two years to pass. Hopefully I will see what I hope is you in my fantasies *wink* *wink*,

Love, Klaus.'

He wrote back and threw the note out the window. When it hit ten o'clock he turned to Ben, "Talk."

"What is going on? Who is that note for? Why can't you say anything? What are you hiding? Why are you talking to Vanya? Why are you talking about this now?" Ben spilled out. Klaus sighed before answering, "I've been getting notes and talking to Cosmina since we were twelve, she would leave notes and I would respond to the notes. I get ignored quite a bit, almost as much as Vanya so I was happy to have that person outside to talk and wouldn't judge me. We've kinda been having this relationship going on although we haven't met in person and I have no idea what she looks like, but I know what she sounds like. I can't say anything because I don't want people looking for her," Klaus' eyes motioned up to the camera in his room, "She's helped me, and I want to keep to her to myself, she prevented me from going to stronger, more deadly drugs, but of course nobody has noticed that, even you apparently," Klaus noticed, looking at Ben's surprised expression, "I've only been smoking weed but limited amounts, being stuck in mausoleum does things when ghosts constantly scream at you. Mina pointed out something about Vanya, that maybe she was isolated for a reason. Then I thought about it, you with the Beast were more powerful than Luther who had super strength, Five, when he jumps would have been more powerful then Diego. Then I found out Vanya is on mood suppressant pills form dad. What if she was an ability and she's the most powerful? The reason I'm talking about this now and can't for about two more minutes, Dad's got a glitch in all his cameras that runs from ten to ten thirty at night. I'm going to sleep now, and I will hopefully not have a nightmare, goodnight," Klaus finished just as the clock flashed 10:30 and left Ben in a state of utter shock. He looked back outside and saw the note had disappeared. 

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