Chapter Ten

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Cosmina's hand limply rose as she grabbed the pencil once again, scribbling the name 'Sloane' on the paper. "That must be her name," Lila assumed. She was wondering why they needed to know about Sloane. Was she going to be joining them? How was she important in the future? Ben was going to ask Cosmina more questions, but saw she had fallen asleep in Klaus' arms as he held her closely. Ben wondered if Klaus went through the same pains Cosmina would and he was just really good at hiding it. If Klaus could hide the pain of coming back to life (which Ben now knows it feels) and suffering after effects of dreaming someone's deaths, he could hide those visions. But there was one thing...

"How come I never saw you drawing?" he asked Klaus.

"Because I know how to put a block temporarily on the visions. The weed helps with that block. You never saw me drawing because I was resisting the urge to do it and would just send descriptions to the police Chief instead of drawings," he explained. He carefully picked up Cosmina and brought her to her room, gently bending down to put her in her bed. "You'll also find that those tow won't eat a lot and that we will have to remind them, if you hadn't figured that out from Klaus," Lila adds.

"Why's the mattress on the floor?" Ben asked.

"Visions," Klaus said, shooing the two of them out. They went to Ben's room as it was further away from Cosmina. "I've fallen off the bed plenty of times in my sleep, it's because of visions."

"So this is my room?" he asked.

"Yep, I'm rooming with Mina," Klaus said, he motioned to the bed, "You're first bed in two years, have it, enjoy it."

Ben took one look at the bed, then he ran for it and starfished it. He let out a loud groan of pleasure, feeling the comfort of the bed. It was like when your back is sore and you stretch on the bed and it feels really good. "Shut up Klaus," came his muffled voice. Lila turned to the other Hargreeves in surprise and saw he was about to open his mouth and say something. Now the human Ouija board gasped in offense, "So rude Benny. Fine, Mina's a cuddler, I want cuddles," he whined at the end and turned around and left, not before motioning to Lila what he wanted to do.

Lila smirked when he left and looked at the relaxed man on his bed, still faced down in a starfish position. "CANNONBALL!" she yells and starfishes the bed right on top of Ben. Ben let out another groan. "Klaus told you to do that, didn't he?"

"Yep. Hey, since you have extra appendages, does that mean you could have sex with yourself?" she asked, head now propped up on her hands. Ben lifted his head and looked at her with wide eyes as she just gave him a cheeky grin. He sighed and dropped his head back down, lifted part of his body and a tentacle wrapped around Lila and dropped her out of the room before closing the door. "That didn't answer my question!" she yells through the door and something smacks against the door.

"EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Cosmina yells. Post-Vision Cosmina is a grouchy Cosmina.



Five Hargreeves was strolling through the halls, he had a feeling he needed to be somewhere. What interested him the mist was that he had gotten a note with directions to suddenly appear on his desk. As he got closer to his destination he realized the more agitated he was feeling, and that he kept scratching his neck. It got worse when he got to a certain door. A door the belonged to the creator of the Temps Commission. It had face recognition and he put he put his face to it and it opened. In there was on old man attached to a machine. The doors closed behind him and he realized that feeling, the one that happens when you encounter yourself from a different time, had gone.

"It doesn't work in here," a raspy voice said. Five looked at the man and studied him, "You're me," he realized. The man had a tattoo on his chest and a missing arm.

"I knew you'd come, but you showed at a different time. This is good, things are changing," the older Five (which was odd to say as younger Five was still an old man).

"What do you mean?" the younger Five asked.

"Find your way back to your family. It will work. If some of the previous timeline is still working, you might have to fight yourself, so watch for the symptoms. Also, watch for a fire hydrant," the older Five said.

"I can get back to them?" the younger Five asked.

"Yes, you can. But Five," the older Five looks him in the eyes, "I can see how things are already changing, but it's up to you to make sure it happens. Trust the Valentine sisters. Think back, were there new people with the family?" the older Five asked.

Five thought back and now that he realized it, Luther had looked like he was protecting a woman, a brunette woman that he didn't recognize. He thought he saw Ben and another woman protecting a little boy, Ben looked like his torso ripped open and something big stabbed him in the tentacles, killing him too. Klaus had been face down, one arm protecting a tattooed woman with red and yellow locks. What had shocked him was the young girl in between them, they looked like they were trying to protect her, but Five found no heartbeat on the little girl. Unfortunately Five didn't stay long enough to notice the family of Klaus and the redhead had started moving. If Five hadn't been there, then the woman wouldn't have permanently frozen the family of three into a deep sleep.

"It has changed," older Five whispered as younger Five thought about who he thought to be Ben and a darker skinned woman also holding onto a boy.

"What do you mean?" younger Five asked.

"Ben dies when he's sixteen," older Five revealed.

"But Ben was there," younger Five argued, "and with a woman and a little boy."

Older Five just gives him a look, "The medium knows more then he lets on. Don't underestimate what he can do," he tells his younger self.

"Klaus," younger Five mumbled to himself. What was Klaus hiding from everyone and how did it involve Ben?

"Klaus also wasn't in a relationship or had a daughter," older Five mumbled. The younger Five just caught what he said. That little girl had been his niece, Klaus' daughter. The woman might've been the girl's mother and that boy might've been Ben's son.

"And the Valentine sisters? How many?" younger Five asked.

"There were two, now there will be three. They're just like us," older Five says. Younger Five thinks back, there were three unfamiliar women there, which must've been them.

"Go find the way back to them," older Five says, before having a coughing fit, "Everything will change for the better, but remember what I said," younger Five hears as he leaves his older self. He needed to get out of the commission.

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