Chapter Two

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Over the next few days, Ben was actually witnessing how different Klaus actually was. He also saw what Klaus saw, he can now safely say he had sympathy for his brother. During the down time, Klaus would talk to Vanya in notes, and Ben noticed he was giving them ways of meditation that weren't noticeable to others. He even told them, through notes, about the glitch from 10pm to 10:30 pm. The notes had continued to come every now and then and Ben tried to see the woman, Cosmina, but she would always be gone when he went to look.

"Aren't you curious?" Ben asked Klaus once the glitch hit.

"Of course I am, but I know she's gonna be a step ahead of me, and this is literally the only thing in my whole life that I have been patient about," Klaus said with a serious look on his face which was a bit odd because he was a bit high. The screaming was getting to him, it was louder today. Ben left before the glitch was up and Klaus had thrown his note. Ben had turned for one second and when he turned back, the note was gone. He groaned in frustration, missing the slight giggle from Cosmina's sister Lila. Lila had told her sister about Ben's frustration and she held in a laugh too from their hiding spot.

The next day, Klaus wore a strained smile and would not say a word to Ben, or anybody else except their Dad (because he had to answer) or Vanya. Vanya had become more aware about their pills but knew they couldn't do much about it until they were eighteen. Once the glitch hit again, Ben was startled when Klaus actually grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to him. "Do. Not. Go. Searching. For. Cosmina," he stated. Ben looked startled and Klaus held up his newest note, 'My darling Ouija Board, please make sure Seafood doesn't search for me. Remember what I said.' it read. Ben looked a little guilty, and a little scared. Klaus actually looked scary when pissed, and it didn't help that he controls ghosts, and Ben is a ghost.

"Ugh, I can't deal with these other ghosts," Klaus sighed and got out another joint.

"How come you can still see me when you're high?" Ben asked.

"Could be because you attached yourself to me, or it could be because you're carrying two souls," Klaus said nonchalantly and shushed him before he could make a sound. Ben watched, still in shock about what Klaus just nonchalantly revealed, as Klaus started meditating. Ben's shock increased as Klaus, in fact, started floating, along with other things in his room. Ben wondered if Klaus was aware if he was doing that, or if he was too far into his meditation. Then again, he was questioning it because he was still smoking his joint. An alarm rang and Klaus' eyes snapped open as he dropped on the bed and his items dropped back into place. The clock said 10:28pm and Klaus hurried under his covers and pretended to be asleep until he actually did sleep.

The next day consisted of Luther bragging about being Number One, which would now make Ben laugh if Klaus and Cosmina were right and it's all reversed. Allison following him around like a puppy, Diego was practicing his targets, and Vanya was reading. Reginald walked past him and Ben could hear him complaining about the glitch in the camera's he somehow can't solve. But one question was on Ben's mind: Where was Klaus?

That night, he entered his room, pale and shaken. "Klaus?" Ben questioned and got no answer.

"Klaus?" he called a bit louder, still no answer.

Ben checked the time, it just turn ten o'clock, "KLAUS?!" he screamed. Klaus jumped up startled and looked at him. If Ben wasn't worried, he would have been happy to know he could still be seen. He snapped out of his thoughts as Klaus' breathing got quicker, he had heard his siblings (mainly Luther and Allison) think he was just going to go get high and was looking for a dealer. Ben honestly didn't know what to think, because he was like Diego, they thought that's what he was doing but they didn't say anything because they knew Klaus didn't like it. Klaus had pulled out a phone and dialed a number, "Klaus?" an accented female voice sounded through the phone.

"Hmm," was the only noise Klaus could get out other than his breathing.

"Panic attack?"


"Did you go—?"


"And did you—?"


"That fucking bastard. Can you see?"


"Okay, breath, 1,2,3,4," the voice guided.

Klaus shakily did take a breath in.

"Now hold, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and exhale, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Can you see now?"

"Y-yeah," Klaus replied.

"Concentrate on making something float," Klaus concentrated on a stress ball he had and began making it float and did some tricks.


"Yeah, thank you Mina," Ben's head snapped up at the name. Was that what Klaus meant that he knows she sounded like? Ben was sure Mina was short for Cosmina. Klaus hung up the phone and shakingly stood up and grabbed another blanket to hide under the others.

"Was that Cosmina?" Ben asked. Klaus just nodded and grabbed the blanket, Ben thought it was a weighted blanket, and got into bed.

"What happened Klaus?" Ben asked hesitantly, seeing the glitch was still going.

"Coming back to life sucks."

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