Chapter Four

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Ben had looked out the window that night and saw something in the tree, Klaus had a new note, it actually looked like two notes. When the morning came around, Diego ran in and jumped on Klaus, "Happy birthday," he said excitedly but not loudly. Reginald would let them have the day off on their birthday and they could do whatever, but as they discovered when they were younger, if they were too loud, Reginald would take that time away. Ben's eyes were wide, he forgot he had died so close to their birthday. "Happy birthday," Klaus mumbled back, but Klaus noticed his voice was hoarse; Klaus had bruises on his neck, just like a ghost Ben had seen wandering by. Diego had seen to have noticed, "Where is...?" and Klaus pointed to a set of drawers and Diego had reached in and grabbed something and handed it to him. Diego held a mirror while Klaus quickly applied what Ben saw was concealer to cover his neck. Klaus motioned for Diego to look and Diego had checked his neck, "You're covered. What happened this time?"

"Someone got jumped," was all Klaus could say. He was going to try to not talk much today. Ben on the other hand was now thinking of the other day and Klaus' punishment. From what Ben could tell, Klaus gets treated the worst out of any of them. Luther thinks he's the favorite, Diego found a parent in Grace, Allison just follows Luther, Five didn't give a shit, Ben was only forced to tear apart these people they were sent after. Vanya got ignored but they didn't deal with a punishment, just a mental punishment of thinking they had no ability. Klaus, from what Ben has seen, purposely doesn't show how far he has progressed, and then he ends up stuck in the mausoleum. Both Vanya and Diego seemed to figure that out, whenever the topic of Klaus doing drugs, Diego would not like it but seemed to understand. He would probably be more relieved to find that he was only doing marijuana, and sometimes Cosmina had snuck him CBD items. Whenever the topic of Klaus going missing would come up, Ben noticed Vanya and Diego are the only ones to worry about where he was. Vanya seemed to know something different about Klaus because Ben could see that they looked up to Klaus now. Vanya seemed to feel better about themselves which could have been from Klaus opening to up to them or helping keep their emotions calmer after figuring out their ability had something to do with emotions. Ben didn't know what Diego knew. Ben didn't know, but eventually figured out was that Klaus would see deaths. That night he had experienced a teenager going home from work and got jumped and strangled, and Klaus had the after affect of having bruises the size of hands on his neck.

What Ben didn't know was that Klaus also felt Ben die, Diego had watched as Klaus collapsed, clutching his stomach. Diego was about to go get help but Klaus prevented him from leaving and gasped out, "Ben," and passed out. An hour later Reginald was telling them about Ben's death and what had happened. Diego could hear Klaus' raspy breathing and snuck off to follow him and saw him lift his shirt up to see angry bruising on his stomach, the same shape he would be Ben's tentacles. Diego came forward and Klaus admitted one of his hidden abilities to him, making him promise not to tell either parent.

Ben followed behind Klaus and Diego as they headed outside, and got Klaus' attention. He pointed up to the tree below Klaus' room and the two notes that were there. Diego was silently checking with Klaus before he wandered off, so nobody saw him grab the two notes. Ben was curious as to what was wrong with Reginald, he seemed paranoid about something, so he followed him and Pogo, "Sir, what has happened?" Pogo ask, repeating an earlier question.

"These two teenagers came forward and threatened me, they knew where Number Four was, and one of them, a fiery haired one revealed a secret that I have kept, that I have told absolutely nobody," Ben heard Reginald say. He rushed back out to Klaus, "I think Cosmina and her sister threatened Reginald with something to get you out of the mausoleum, if I'm right then I know a description for one of them," he said and saw Klaus smile a bit. Ben was then startled when everything froze, he could still move but time seemed to have frozen. He saw two figures, covered up, walk in, one with a small package and placed it in Klaus' pocket while the other spoke, "Learn to work with those tentacles of yours and you won't regret it," they said. The other one kissed Klaus on the cheek and the two left and time restarted. Klaus was now looking at his dead brother in confusion, "I think they were just here, it was like time froze and those two walked in covered up so I couldn't see anything, one put something in your pocket and kissed your cheek and the other somehow knew I was here and told me to get along with the tentacles and I won't regret it," Ben rambled on, not missing Klaus' slight blush from the mention of getting kissed on the cheek. Klaus had checked his pocket and found a small package, and had to remind himself not to throw it out.

When the glitch hit, Klaus pulled out his letters,

Dear Klausy,

Happy fucking birthday my favorite Ouija Board! Lila and I may or may not have threatened Reginald with bodily harm and secrets revealed, but he doesn't know we are a part of all the children born, we're still safe. Should have seen his face though, PRICELESS!

I will stop by with some shit for you,


"It was them," Klaus told Ben and picked up his next one.

Dear future brother-in-law,

Happy Birthday, as you probably have already read (I won't be offended if you read hers first) we let our imaginations in terms of torture be known to Reginald. Make sure the seafood does what I said, now his face was priceless, wonder what it would have been if he knew I could see him...Anyway tell him we both said happy birthday.


"They both said Happy Birthday," Klaus said and quickly rote out his letter giving them their own happy birthday, adding one from Ben. "One of them was described as fiery haired, she was one to threaten him. From what I know so far about the personalities, I would assume it was Cosmina that has that hair," Ben explained what he had heard. Klaus knew the world freezing was Cosmina, he knew her abilities just like he knew Lila's. He knew Lila could see Ben because she was using Klaus' ability and Cosmina had made the time freeze, and she was the reason there is a glitch in the cameras every night. Klaus laid down wondering when Ben would realize that other ability he had, "YOU'RE IMMORTAL?!" he heard and jumped so high. Guess Klaus spoke to soon.

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