Chapter Twelve

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Eventually Sloane is found and she looked at them with wide eyes, "You four are born the same day I was?" she asked.

"And also have abilities then we shouldn't have," Lila said.

"And were all accidents and born form women who suddenly grew a baby, happy accident or not is up for debate," Klaus said. Cosmina nodded next to him.

"What can you guys do?" Sloane asked.

"Klaus and Ben were a part of the Umbrella Academy," Lila started.

Sloane looked at the two with wide eyes, "Didn't you guys like split up or something?"

"Ben had died, now he's alive, but people don't know that," Klaus said, adding a hint into his statement and Sloane nodded, catching that Ben's alive status was to remain not known, "Ben and I had left with Cosmina and Lila while helping Diego and Vanya leave."

"Who are those two?" Sloane asked.

"Okay, Diego is the one who cannot miss his target. He always has these blades on him and he's always messing with them. I believe he can also control metal," Klaus said.

"Really?" Ben asked.

"Ever notice how when we're shot at that the bullets seem to slow?" Klaus questioned.

"Oh," Ben answered.

"Vanya is the one who always stood with Reginald, supposedly the one who didn't have a gift, but because of Mina's ability, she found out Vanya had an ability and it was a dangerous one, one that would cause the end of the world because Reginald wanted to hide it," Klaus said.

"Why couldn't she get help?" Sloane asked.

"They," Klaus corrected, "They prefer they/them at the moment," he said.

"Sorry," Sloane apologized.

"I only found out about because Vanya when they were younger they killed their other nannies," Klaus said, "I can talk to ghosts, they always lurked around and watched Vanya in caution as to why their ability didn't work."

"And you kept that to yourself?" Ben asked.

"I talk to ghosts, I hear a lot of deadly gossip," Klaus said.

"What can Vanya do?" Sloane asked.

"They control sound waves, it's very destructive, but they're working on it and can hopefully channel it through her violin," Klaus explained.

"What about the others...isn't their one who with super strength?" Sloane asked with a little bit of a blush. Cosmina and Klaus weren't looking at each at the moment, but they both had internal smiles.

"Well, Sloane, if you do meet him and decide to pursue a relationship of some kind, could you get metaphorical stick out of his ass?" Klaus asked getting a startled laugh out of Sloane.

"He's that bad?" Sloane asked.

"He has the superiority complex of being called Number One, not realizing that if Reginald had named our numbers by ability, would Luther really be number one?" Klaus asked.

"Who's Number Two?"

"Diego got the shitty number," Klaus answered, getting a snort out of Lila and Cosmina.

"Then no," Sloane decided, "I see what you mean."

"Now, Number Three, Allison, has the ability to get whatever she wants by saying 'I heard a rumor' and it can also be deadly because she make someone do whatever she pleases even if she didn't want them to live anymore, she can rumor their heart to stop," Klaus explained.

"Number Four is me. I see ghosts, see how people died—your mother was killed by her boyfriend at the time and she wishes you would come back with us and go on and adventure—I can also summon ghosts and make them visible. I can fly, die and come back to life, and make things float, and control ghosts but I don't like to do that," Klaus listed off.

"That's a big upgrade from Allison," Sloane said with wide eyes after she heard him mention her mother. Klaus' hands glowed briefly and she saw the woman outlined in blue, "Okay, I believe you," Sloane said, seeing her mother.

"Next is Number Five, he didn't want a name so he stuck with Five. He's a bit stuck, like he's an older man in a younger body or something," Cosmina hid her smile, Klaus knew Five would be back and in a younger body, "He could teleport in different locations and it was theorized he could time travel but he got too impatient and decided to do it on his own and has currently been missing for three years," Klaus explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Sloane said sadly.

"Pssh," Klaus waved it off, "I'm sure he'll show up. Next is Number Six, or Ben. He has tentacles that sprout out his chest. He never bothered to connect with them and it led to his death—lovely feeling. While dead he finally made a connection with the Beast and now they work with each other," to emphasize the new connection, a tentacle sprouted out of Ben making Sloane jump as it waved at her.

"Then last was Number Seven, or Vanya," Klaus finished.

"What about you two?" Sloane asked in fascination.

"I have the ability to control time. I can make it pause or fast forward or rewind-rewind-rewind," Cosmina said, making the time go back three times but made sure the two of them weren't affected, "I can watch a scene and do the same thing, I can speed up a process on something or rewind it. I had froze time on Ben's body so it didn't decay because I saw he would be brought back to life and then I rewinded the time on his body get rid of his wounds and then sped up till he was our age," Cosmina explained.

"Wow," Sloane said, amazed, "Did you see me? Is that why you found me?"

Cosmina smiled and nodded.

"I'm a mimic," Lila bluntly said, "I can mimic the abilities of nearby people. While Ben was still a ghost I could mimic Klaus and see him. I copied Klaus' energy to summon Ben back into his body, actually," she looks at Ben, "You were fucking stubborn," she couldn't help but say.

"You didn't tell me what you were doing!" Ben argued.

"It's not like we were planning it for two years, two month, and three days," Cosmina said.

"You counted?" Ben asked.

Cosmina shrugs, "Ability."

"Anyway, I have internal alarm clock or counter if I mimic Cosmina. I also can develop tentacles, but mine are more of an illusion then real," Lila let out a tentacle, "And you, Klaus, and I will have fun," Lila said as she started to fly.

"So, the plan was, if you agreed, was for you to take the name Valentine, because I know you would be worried about people coming to find you. Ben is also taking the name as he's legally dead," Cosmina said.

"Sloane Valentine? I like it," Sloane smiled, "Help me pack?"

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