Blood Running Cold

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Genya walked forward meekly next to David, sobbing as she did. She immediately made her way to where she saw Olysia.

Genya went to reach out to her friend but a man in a red kefta with gray stitching held a protective arm over her, shielding Olysia from her.

Genya could tell that he was the only reason her heart hadn't stopped beating. He was forcing it to continue to beat steadily in her chest.

"I can stop the bleeding." Her voice broke, holding back another sob. "Please, let me help her. I need to help her."

He looked over at her with calculating eyes, not that he could see much beyond her hunched posture. Genya could see the desperation in his eyes despite the guarded expression they held. He looked over to David and waited to see what he said.

"Let her try, Bastian." David pleaded. "Please."

Bastian seemed to trust David because he immediately gestured for Genya to try.

She stepped forward and began mending the skin together. She could tell they were deep wounds, she'd lost too much blood.

Genya took a deep breath once she got the cuts to close. She took a moment to trace over the scars she wouldn't be able to heal. Another failure she would have to deal with.

She knew about the scars on her arm and shoulder but that apparently wasn't enough for the Darkling. Nothing was ever enough for him. Genya knew that more than ever.

Now, Olysia had new scars, visible scars. They extended from the bottom of her neck to a little bit higher than her jaw.

But there was no more time to dwell on it. She was alive and that is what mattered.

Because Genya could finally escape his clutches with the people who had tried to help her months ago. And she finally did as she plunged down the passageway next to Olysia who was being carried by David while Bastian kept her alive to fight for another day.

She prayed to the Saints that this would not be her last memory of Olysia Kuznetsova.


Nikolai sat on the Kingfisher, blankly gazing into the clouds. His fingers were unconsciously playing with the necklace that sat on his neck.

He remembered a moment. A single moment right when they got out of view of the Little Palace. He couldn't stop when the sudden sense of dread overcame him.

Nikolai couldn't explain it. There was no logic to it, just the utter fear that ran through him. It felt like he couldn't breathe, his lungs refused to expand. It felt like his chest was going to cave in.

It was in that moment he knew something was wrong.

That something had to have happened to Olysia.

And he could not bear the thought.

He could only pray to the Saints that he was wrong.

That she was perfectly fine, maybe a little banged up but there would be no major harm to her. Even if he knew it was wishful thinking. No, not wishful, foolish. But it didn't matter because he had to hope. Hope was all Nikolai had left because Olysia wasn't here. She was not with him like she was supposed to.

There wasn't another option.

Olysia had to be okay because Nikolai had no clue what he would do if she wasn't. 


Wow, I hope the implications of this mean absolutely nothing in the future. 

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