Don't Make Me Get Violent

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Olysia watched as Novyi Zem's coast appeared along the horizon but her mind was stuck in Ravka as a teenage girl

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Olysia watched as Novyi Zem's coast appeared along the horizon but her mind was stuck in Ravka as a teenage girl. How could she have been so stupid? It was right in front of her face the entire time in an obnoxious teal coat nonetheless. Did he not recognize her or was he just laughing at her behind her back?

Despite all the anger and resentment that swirled around her overactive mind. It would have overtaken her entire body but there was a small part of her that was happy he was living the life he deserved and she hoped he had found the freedom and peace he was so determined he could never have, but that thought hurt her more than she cared to admit.

Olysia knew anger was easier to handle than the pain she felt in her chest. She cursed the day that Nikolai Lantsov ever entered her life.

She hurled venomous words at him in an attempt to drown out all the questions that threatened to rip her heart out. Why did he never write? Did she ever cross his mind or did he forget all about her the second he was free? Did he not care enough to check if she was okay? Why would he care about someone as unimportant as her?

Was it all in her head?

All of her pressing questions were smothered by the Darkling as he walked next to her. It took a second for Olysia to register that it was him considering he was wearing casual clothing. She had never seen him out of his black kefta. He almost looked approachable if not for the dark look in his eyes. It was just a strange sight to see.

"We must be ready for we will have a living Saint among us." He mocked.

Olysia heard rhythmic steps and found herself cringing at who it was.

"But we have already been blessed with the presence of one." Sturmhond grinned at Olyisa, making it very obvious he was talking about her. She kept her face emotionless despite her blood pressure rising. How could she not realize it was him, even with that terrible accent it was clear as day.

"Maybe get your eyes checked."

"Only if you promise me I can see your radiant beauty more clearly." He winked at her.

"Is there a reason you are here?" The Darkling interrupted, stepping closer to Olysia as if to say back off she is my property. Olysia did not physically react but she kept begging in her head for him to move away from her.

Sturmhond seemed to keep eye contact with him, causing the Darkling to place his hand on Olysia's right shoulder. His cold fingers digging their way into her wound that won't quite heal.

A grimace flashed across Olysia's face for a split second but it was long enough for Sturmhon to recognize the pain in her eyes. He clenched his jaw before a carefree smile painted his face.

"To share wondrous news," He gestured to the coast that was getting closer. "I present to you, Novyi Zem. Now you can kidnap your sun summoner."

"I would watch your words wisely. I have been very lenient but you are exhausting my patience." The Darkling warned, he turned to Olysia, missing the mocking face Sturmhond made. "Get Ivan and ensure he informs the group and be sure to prepare the warm welcome we've planned for our guest." He dismissed, releasing her shoulder.

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