Did It So It's Done

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As Olysia sat she wondered how she ended up right back where she started. In a room full of men who made her skin crawl.

Although this time she was lucky enough to have a seat next to Alina at the table. There was comfort in knowing she wouldn't have to endure the company alone.

It was bad enough that she still remembered all of their faces. She could look at every single one of them and tell you exactly what terrible things they whispered to the others when they thought she wasn't listening and even when she was.

Everytime she looked at them, she could remember the vile words they threw at her in the disguise of jokes.

Things that should never be said in front of a child let alone to one and yet they still crossed that line.

What was almost worse was the fact they couldn't seem to recognize her. There was no space for familiarity in their eyes because they still looked at her like she was a piece of meat.

So behind her stone cold demeanor Olysia wanted to cry because at the end of the day, no matter how many times Olysia tried to convince herself otherwise, deep down she knew she was still the scared little girl who was kept silent.

It was tragic how much she cared about how little they did. She should have been grateful they didn't remember her and yet Olysia still found herself unconsciously seething silently in her seat.

Despite not knowing about their past treatment of her that didn't stop them from looking at her the exact same way they used to.

Olysia missed the time where she was invisible.

She kept to herself, only speaking in quiet tones to Alina to explain the fancy and unnecessary wording the advisors were force feeding them. Alina would nod but Olysia could tell she felt like she didn't belong there, as if they were children sitting at the adult table.

The advisors were talking as it was a waste of their time and Nikolai wasn't easing their qualms. If anything, the more he talked, the  advisors seemed to only ever get more peeved and Olysia personally enjoyed the idea of pissing them off.

"Respectfully, I don't think any of this is necessary." The advisor laughed haughtily as if the whole situation was absurd.

"In your defense, you have been in Os Alta for a number of years. I'd expect you to be well versed in all of this." Nikolai gestures to the various maps laying in the table. "Unfortunately I am not. I am in the dark and I need you fine gentlemen to clue me in if you would grant me the pleasure."

All the advisors puffed their chest and hid their cocky smirks behind beholden smiles.

"Anything you particularly would like to know?"

Enchanted -N. LantsovWhere stories live. Discover now