There's No Escape for Some

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Nikolai had to hold back a groan. What he wouldn't give up to be spending time going over nonsensical plans and eating cake with Olysia instead of this.

Dinner was held in the Eagle's Nest. The extravagance was impressive and Nikolai enjoyed it. The craftsmanship was simply superb. 

There was a massive frieze on its ceiling depicting the crowned double eagle, a scepter in one talon and a cluster of black arrows bound by red, blue, and purple ribbons in the other. Its feathers had been wrought in real gold. 

A stunning peice of work no doubt done by a Fabrikator.

The table was crowded with the highest-ranking generals of the First Army and their wives, and all of the Lantsov uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Nikolai's mother sat at one end of the table engaging in gossip with the wives, none the wiser to anything else.

At the opposite end, Vasily sat at the right hand of their father who was ogling an officer's young wife.

Nikolai decided it was best to just not look at that side of the table because it would send his blood pressure skyrocketing.

Nikolai himself was at the center table wishing for someone else to be at his side but was evidently stuck with Alina beside him. Olysia was going to lose her shit when he told her it really was a thirteen course banquet. He couldn't wait to tell her.

Nikolai received very many gifts, all of which were forgettable and not worth the mention. But his father did give him a miniature ship set of the Volkony complete wit red dog banners on the ship's mast, and a little cannon

Even then it was nothing compared to the necklace that remained hidden from all else but him to see.

The nobles raised toasts to Nikolai's health. The generals praised his military leadership and courage.

Nikolai bent his head and whispered, "I know my company doesn't count for much, but could you at least try? You look like you're about to burst into tears."

"Sorry," Alina murmured. "I'm just..."

"I know," He squeezed her hand under the table as he saw Mal's tall figure standing guard. Nikolai how it felt to yearn for someone and pretend they weren't there despite that person being the only thing possible to focus on. "But that gelatin deer gave its life for your entertainment."

Alina rolled her eyes and gave a small smile in defeat.

When the flavored ices had been served, Vasily rose to his feet and lifted a glass of champagne.

"Brother," Vasily addressed Nikolai and he held back a small scowl, choosing to put on a polite smile. "It is good to be able to toast your birth this day and to celebrate with you when you have spent so long on other shores. I salute you and drink to your honor. To your health, little brother!"

Enchanted -N. LantsovWhere stories live. Discover now