In This World Without a Voice or Say

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Olysia was already waiting on the dacha's steps before Tolya and Tamar made their appearance and Olysia looked like she was going to single-handedly burn down every standing structure.

"Nor a morning person I assume." Tolya crossed his arms and held back a smile.

Olysia's upper lip twitched.

"And we thought she was scary before." Tamar laughed. "Now we know not to wake you up."

"I like waking up early." Tolya decided. "The ideal way to start the day is to wake up before the sun. Read a book of sonnets, and then watch a glorious sunrise. We have to appreciate "

Tamar rolled her eyes as Olysia looked disgusted at the thought of wanting to wake up before the sun.

"You deeply disturbed me." Olysia shook her head.

"And she speaks," Tamar clapped and smirked when Olysia glared at her.

"Where is Alina? Because quite frankly, I have things I need to do and places I need to be, none of which involve being here." Olysia glanced at the house. "It's almost dawn. We leave at dawn. Why is she not here?"

"Three guesses." Tamar grinned. "It's probably the first one you think of."

"There are a multitude of reasons, she might not be here yet, Tamar." Tolya frowned. "It doesn't necessarily have to be that."

"It's Mal isn't it?" Olysia guessed at point blank.

"She's pretty and smart." Tamar gasped dramatically.

Olysia ignored Tamar's comment. "I need them to hurry up. The others don't believe me when I tell them where they're going to stand and I am already this close to being escorted away for commiting a crime in front of hundreds of people as my witness" She pinched her fingers to visualize her lack of patience.

"Looks like you're in luck because here she comes." Tolya shrugged.

Alina and Mal both walked to the start of the steps. Alina sighed as she reached the small group. "Todays the day." She kept walking as everyone followed behind her.

"Alina," Olysia got her attention. "I assume you want the Grisha behind you?"

"Oh. Sure, whatever you think." Alina appeared distracted. Olysia nodded and turned to make her way to her fellow Grisha. Alina grabbed her hand and sounded panicked "Where are you going?"

"I'm going with the other Grisha." Olysia scrunched her face in confusion.

"I thought you would be next to me?" Alina looked around for a confirmation.

Enchanted -N. LantsovWhere stories live. Discover now