You Will Never Learn Your Lesson

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Olysia tried to sit next to David but Alina gave her no choice, she was forced to sit directly to her left. The symbolism of that position was not lost on Olysia nor was it to anyone else, especially Sergei who was in between a otkazat'sya guard and Paja, an Alkemi.

Sergei did nothing to hide his contempt for Olysia, shooting her sharp glares which she met with looks of fake surprise before deadpanning.

"Why do I see three people wearing purple?" Sergei started as soon as everyone sat down. "Two from each order was agreed upon."

"Agreed? You had absolutely no say in the matter" Olysia snorted. "She shunned all of us from her quarters after telling us how it would be."

"Olysia is not here to represent Materialki." Alina spoke before Sergei could open his mouth and led to another quarrel with Olysia like before. "I have asked her to be an advisor of sorts to the First Army in an attempt to enforce collaboration between both of the King's Armies. Olysia and I will report what the Second Army is doing because the King does not yet trust us. I thought it would be most useful to have a nonthreatening Grisha to try and quell the King's nerves."

Olysia applauded Alina's reasoning even if she liked to fancy herself as very threatening when she wished to be. Everyone already knew that the King was teetering on the edge of just ridding his grounds of Grisha like the vermin he thought they were. Fabrikators are not on a list of scary or all that powerful to begin with, making it a perfect excuse.

"This is not up for discussion and should you think otherwise, I hope you chose alternates for your position." Alina's eyes swept over everyone in the room. "Now where shall we begin?"

They spent a majority of the time discussing their numbers or lack thereof. Long discussions were held over where the others might be, how to bring them back to the Little Palace.

Zoya had the idea of issuing pardons to those willing to serve the Sun Summoner which led to an hour long discussion regarding the wording to use. In the end, Alina decided 'loyalty to the Ravkan throne and the Second Army' was good enough even if no one else did.

Olysia kept her mouth shut because she knew it wasn't her place to speak. She was there to sit and listen and it made her want to claw her eyes out. This was a waste of time. She did not want to think about the Apparat because that was how unimportant he was to her.

Olysia should be in the workshop, crafting plans, even in other meetings, literally anywhere else but here.

"It's troubling that he's evaded capture this long." Feydor rubbed her chin.

"Has he tried to contact you?" Pavel asked Alina.

"No." She responded.

"He's been spotted in Kerskii and Ryevost." Fedyor revealed. "He shows up out of nowhere to preach, then disappears before the King's soldiers can close in."

Enchanted -N. LantsovWhere stories live. Discover now